Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update 5-10-06

Hi everyone,

Some ppl have asked so I thought I'd give an update on my MIL. I'm sorry I haven't before now, there just has been nothing good to report and I didn't want to bring everyone down.

She went into Boston yesterday to see the specialist for her specific type of cancer. He told her flat out that she is not a candidate for surgery but that they could start Chemotherapy on her. Even with the Chemo there is no chance of remission. This cancer is too agressive. The chemo *might* alleviate some of her symptoms but that is all it will do. He also told her that the cancer has already spread. There is a new spot in the pericardial area and a spot on her liver as well. I believe there are a few other new spots but I can't keep them all straight.

He wanted her to go to the ER last night b/c her pulsox level was only 88%. She said she would but then decided she wanted to go home rather than spend the night waiting in the ER.
They went to the ER this morning instead and they have ended up readmitting her. They think she has pneumonia in her left lung and they believe the fluid from her cancer has come back in a different area. They will be running tests on her tomorrow to see where she is at. If the fluid is back they will redrain it.

The way the Dr's are talking we honestly don't know if she will make it to Christmas. She has already picked out two funeral homes she wants to go and look at and make all the necessary arrangements. She is being very realistic about all of this which is amazing but she is still able to keep her spirits up as well. She is an amazing woman. Pls continue to pray for her.

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