Thursday, November 11, 2010

School Pictures

I can't believe we are already into the school years. I'm blown away that we have school pictures to share with everyone. The class picture. I just can't get over it. It feels like I just had these guys yesterday yet here I am with school pictures. I know every Mom feels the same way!!

I'm soooo happy with how their pictures came out. You never know how a kid is going to be when they aren't around you. Clearly my boys have no problem saying "CHEEEESE!!"

Big news!

Well, to Aidan it's definitely big news! He finally lost his first tooth! I think he was really starting to get worried. He'd come up to me and say Mom! Mom! I have a loose tooth! I'd ask where and he'd point to his molars. LOL! I told him when he did get a loose tooth it would be one of the front ones first. Well, lo and behold, I get a phone call at work yesterday with a VERY excited Aidan on the other end. He had a loose tooth for REAL this time. When I got home last week he wanted me to pull it out for him. He wouldn't let anyone else touch it, he was saving it for Mommy. It was hanging on by a thread and it just popped right out. So Aidan had his very first visit from the Tooth Fairy last night and he couldn't be happier. :-)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Once again...

....I'm so far behind in my blogging! Life has just been super busy lately. Definitely in a good way though.

So my visit with the Loftus Family has come and gone. I love my girl. It was so good seeing her and the kids. We did Plymouth Plantation, lunch and Mama night out at the movies! YAY!

The kids got along SO well. I just love that they can go months without seeing each other and play like it was yesterday when they do get together. They had so much fun together. The visit was FAR too short but we'll hopefully see each other after the new year. I'm trying to make plans for that now.

The kids playing at Plimouth Plantation

Mommy photo op

Brunch at Fire and Ice before the Loftus Family had to head home

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