Friday, February 20, 2009

9 months

Truth be told she is actually just shy of 10 months but for some reason her Dr appts run 3 wks after the month passes. Oh well.

Erynn is doing really well. She is walking while holding onto things, says Mama, Dada, Hi and Uh Oh. Cracks me up when she says it - even in the correct context. Usually after she drops something lol. Waves hi and bye. She's already a little diva. If she wants your attention and you aren't giving it to her she'll look right at you and let out a shriek. "WHY are you not paying attention to me??" LOL. Eats like a PIG. We're giving her regular food even though she only has 1.5 teeth so far but she is loving it. Waffles, hot dogs, noodles, pasta, homemade meatballs - you name it. If you walk at her shaking a box of Cheerios she holds both arms out like "gimme gimme" and starts jumping up and down. Still completely on breastmilk - I am very happy (and a little proud I admit) to say. Still have a decent freezer stash so once she's done I think she'll go straight to milk. NO formula at all this time around - holy cow!!!

Her stats:
Height - 28.5 (grew two inches)
Weight - 17lbs, 14oz (up 2lbs) She's finally gaining weight.

9-27-08 First night in our own house


Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I am SO freaking excited and happy to post this and yes, I am totally posting and running b/c I have to go to BJ's to stock up my empty house. All our bedrooms are set up and functional but I still had to come here (at my FIL's right now) to shower. We have no phone, internet or cable until OCT 7TH but hey, at least I can sleep there!! I'm cooking our first family meal tonight and I can't wait to use my double oven.

No pics yet - we're still waiting for some things to be delivered but I will share very soon!! (this explains my abscence on the board as of late too - we've been going back and forth all week moving things)

Sorry to post and run but I gotta go! (((hugs))) to all and TY so much for putting up with this LONG journey!!!! We're having an Open House sometime next month - you are ALL invited to come LOL.

Second surgery 9-10-08

Posted by Steph
John left a vm saying everything went well but she's in a lot of pain. I'll let you guys know if I hear anything tomorrow. I'm not sure if she'll be answering her phone. Tons of get well soon vibes and (((Hugs))) for my bbff!

She is still in a lot of pain. She said the drugs aren't doing crap. She's not sure if she's coming home tomorrow or Saturday. Just keep sending the get well soon vibes and pain-free vibes would help too!

My Update
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and wishes. I really appreciate them.

I can honestly say I was in no way, shape or form prepared for this kind of pain. Amy tried to warn me but omg. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Childbirth was nothing compared to this. After all was said and done I had a total of 6 different procedures during my surgery. Tonight is the first time I have been even up to getting on my laptop which says a lot lol.

I'm still hanging in bed for the most part but I am getting up and about to walk around a bit. Yes, I am listening to Dr's orders and still not picking up the kids and taking it easy.....I promise. I really can't do a lot anyway b/c the pain is still bad. I'm hoping it lets up soon. I have stitches all over the damn place and a few I need to ask the Dr about b/c I have NO clue what they are for. I won't get into details - I'll spare you that.

Anyway, that's all. I just wanted to check in, say thank you and let you know I'm hanging in there. Nothing to do now but go forward right?

Tooth Update 9-3-08

Thank you everyone for the well wishes!!!

I think the appt went well, all in all.

Ped Dentist doesn't want to just yank the tooth out of a 2 yr old. (YAY!) The tooth should fall down on it's own and he said it looks healthy. However, it's going to come in twisted - just the way it is in his gums right now. IF Ryan gets an absess (sp?) OR it doesn't come down in 3 months THEN the Dr will have to yank it out b/c that means it's dead. He also said that looking at the xray it doesn't *look* like Ryan's adult tooth has been damaged but he can't be 100% sure. All in all a good appt I'd say. He goes back on Dec 30th to get checked again

Tooth Accident 9-1-08

So, this weekend was a great one. We took the kids camping in my FIL's RV to a place we'd never been before. It was really great. I'd definitely go back again and we all had a fantastic time. Until today. I was in the camper packing up for the drive home and I hear Ryan let out an awful scream. I ran out and all I see is blood pouring out of his mouth. He had tripped and slammed his teeth on the picnic bench on the fall down. At first I thought his tooth was gone but it wasn't - it's all the way up into his gums. We ended up in the ER. He has to see a ped dentist tomorrow for full x rays and we'll find out if they can save the tooth or not. ER doc told us to be prepared that they might have to take it out b/c it's really up there.

I am *pretty* sure this happened to someone else's child on here - if I'm right can you pls let me know what happened?

New Surgeon 8-15-08

Definitely not the news I was hoping for or even expecting.

I'll try and keep this short and easy.
So we know my bladder had fallen - blah blah - no surprise. I went to see the specialist and they did an internal. Turns out my bladder, my uterus AND my cervix have all fallen down. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being worst) my bladder is an 8 and my cervix/uterus are a 7. My rectum (SO SORRY - I HATE that word) is at a 1. Thank God. But the next thing to happen is my bladder and uterus would pull my rectum out b/c apparantly they are all connected. I had no idea.

Bottom line.
I am having a hysterectomy and another bladder surgery. Uterus will be removed through my stomach. Everything else will be done through my bad (not good anymore since she can't seem to hold her shit in) girl. They will put in mesh that will attach to my tailbone to hold my bladder back up in place. From now until 3 MONTHS after my surgery I cannot lift anything more than 5lbs. Not b/c of the pain but b/c any lifting after surgery could cause my bladder to fall again and I'd need more surgery. I will have to go to Physical Therapy (um for what?! how do you do PT on a bladder for crying out loud? LOL) for an undecided length of time after surgery to try and strengthen everything as much as possible in an attempt to try and stop this from happening again. I will be out of work for 6-8wks. Oh. My. I certainly wasn't expecting that.

My surgery is Sept 10th. Yes, NC girls, as far as I know I am still going to NC. I guess one positive is it looks like I'll still be in recovery from my surgery so I won't have to use Vacation days from work to come anymore. Downside is I can't imagine not picking my kids up for the next 4 months. But I know I HAVE to listen to my Dr b/c things could only get worse. Ugh. I have to go for a bladder test next Friday to make sure that I'm not leaking any urine. Right now b/c my bladder is protruding from my bad girl they can't tell if I have any tears or issues. I have to have a test to check this b/c they'd obviously want to repair while they were putting it back into place.

That is all I guess. I could use some good luck - maybe we'll win big in Vegas??? I can dream anyway right?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Seriously, can I not catch a break here? I now have mastitis. Woke up with a bad fever last night, bad chills and two really hard lumps in each boob. As soon as I woke up I knew what was going on. Great. I am taking so many pills right now (migraine meds daily, zantac b/c the migraine meds give me reflux, an antibiotic for some kind of bladder infection that I can't seem to kick) I feel like a junkie. Now I have to call my Midwife and get more pills to clear this up. When the heck is it ever going to end?? I really don't have a point to this other than to complain. I will just suck it up and deal but I needed to whine for a min.

On the bright side, (yes, I do still try to look on the bright side) since I do have to call my midwife I figure I might as well ask about whatever it is I can take to help dry up my milk faster. Why not add one more thing to the mix eh?

Thx for reading.

ER Visit 7-27-08

We were in the ER from 10p last night to 3a this morning. Then I had to get up at 5a for work. We even ended up leaving the ER AMA (against medical advice) b/c it was so late and I had to work today.
Ryan woke up screaming at 945p last night. I went in to get him and he was on FIRE. His temp (by ear) was 105.7. I almost croaked. I woke John up (who had fallen asleep in front of the tv – shocker) and told him we needed to go to the ER immediately. We waited in there for 5 hours. The only thing they gave him was Motrin. At 230a he still had SEVEN people in front of him and they couldn’t push him through any faster b/c they were considered higher importance then him. At this point his fever had come down some so I told them that we would take him to his Dr today and that we had to leave. I had to get up in two hours – couldn’t sit there waiting. The nurse said it would be a long time before the Dr got to us and that she thought our plan was the best route to go. Gotta love the health care system. I came into work this morning, called my boss and told her I'm only working a half day. I'm a walking zombie right now. I can't wait to get Ryan to the Dr and find out what is wrong with my poor kid.

Hey girls, I'm sorry I didn't update before now. We were all right - he has a nasty double ear infection. Dr put him on a high dose of antibiotics and hopefully he will start feeling better by tomorrow. He is currently in bed screaming his head off b/c he just wants "uppie." He is so overtired I think he can't to sleep. Oy.

Ruined BM

Girls, I think all my breastmilk might be ruined. I am so upset I don't even know what to do. I just tried to heat up 2 different bags from 2 different batches (I put a whole days worth of pumping together into a large ziploc freezer bag) and they both smelled "off." I stuck my finger in to taste it and it tasted AWFUL. I am devastated.

One day last week I went to put a batch in the freezer and I noticed the door wasn't shut tight. Turns out my FIL had gone in there to try and put some ice cream in the freezer. He had NO idea that the freezer is, literally, chock full of bm with no room to spare. He didn't shut the door tight and when I went out I noticed that some of the bags had sweat on them and some of them looked like they had started to thaw a little bit. I figured they'd be okay b/c they weren't all thawed and it hadn't been that long since he had opened the door so I just shut it tight. But this morning I went to thaw her a bottle and it smelled bad. So I threw away that whole day. Went to the deep freezer, took out another bag, thawed one of the bags in it and same thing.

I have put SO much time and effort into pumping enough milk for Erynn you guys. I will be absolutely wrecked if I have to throw away an entire deep freezer of bm. I put 4 days worth of pumping in the freezer last night so I'm pretty sure they are all set. The only thing I can do I guess is check each batch as I thaw a bottle from it. I made DH smell (um, and taste ) the bad one so he knows NOT to give her a bottle if it smells that way and he knows to just throw the whole batch away.

I feel so sick about this. If anyone has any advice or thoughts I'd love to hear them. I am praying as hard as I can that the *entire* freezer can't possibly be ruined.

It's almost all gone. Almost all of my stash was ruined. I have maybe 20% left that I have to "test" to see if it's good or bad. I just couldn't bring myself to do any more today.

Thanks everyone.

6 Months

Erynn just had her 6 mon check up and she only grew 1/2 in and gained 4oz. She is now 26.5 in long and she weighs 15lbs, 12oz. Pedi said this is typical in girls but cripes, that is not much at ALL. I don't know if it's b/c she is a girl b/c he DID say girls are smaller and I'm used to having boys who are piggies. He isn't worried at all and says she is very strong, looks great, etc but that just seems *so* small to me.

BM freezer stash

Yep, you read it right. 2,166 ounces in my freezer stash to date. YAY!

I'm a geek and I calculated it out. I can feed her for:
90 days at 24oz a day
72 days at 30oz a day

I plan to continuing pumping/bfing until August 1st. I really don't want to take my pump to Vegas with us and I really can't figure out the logistics if I did take the pump. How the hell would I get all that milk home? Is that really effing selfish of me? I can get her through to at least 11 mon at this rate and hopefully longer if I can keep building my stash up.

Update 5-13-08

I just talked to my sister.

She DID have a stroke. They found it at 330a while doing a second CAT Scan with contrast. I KNEW she had a stroke. I've had too much experience with them between MIL and MY Mom not to know. As long as she only had the one stroke she should be better by tomorrow as a stroke will typically last anywhere between 24-72hrs and this all started yesterday morning. She is still having a hard time talking and she is having left side issues from the stroke. The Drs hope that the issues resolve themselves once the stroke is through her system.

Her lungs are full of fluid. When she passed out and before they could intubate she swallowed saliva and it went into her lungs since she was unable to control where it went. She is on Levaquin and Prednisone to clear up the fluid.

I can't even remember if I told you all that she was diagnosed with Protein S Deficiency with Factor VIII elevation. This is what is causing all of her problems. It is a genetic disorder she was born with. (My brother and I need to get tested for it now) She will be on medication for the rest of her life. The Dr's told her that they can almost guarantee that my Mom had the same disorder b/c she was too young to have all the things wrong with her that she did.

Thanks again for reading. I will keep you all updated this time around if you don't mind.

5-13-08 update

My sister: Cheryl is a mess. So many things have happened but I honestly didn't want to post day after day about things so I've just kind of kept to myself. I'm really scared for her and I HATE how far away she is b/c I'm not there. She has had 5 bypass surgeries so far. They didn't end up taking her whole finger (I have NO idea how the hell they pulled that one off) but they did take the tip of it. She told me that they found a tumor in her left ventricle. They are saying now that they aren't sure that she even has epilepsy. They think the tumor is causing her seizures. Then, yes b/c this is apparantly not enough, I get a call last night saying my sister was rushed to the emergency room. She stopped breathing at work. They had to perform CPR and intubate. She says she remembers being at work and then grabbing her boss's arm b/c she couldn't breathe. Next thing she knew she woke up in the hospital with a tube down her throat. They took it out yest afternoon and I was able to talk to her last night. I was crying after I hung up b/c she sounds like an 80yr old stroke victim. I wish I could describe it to you guys but she can't even talk normally. She talks all "hitchy." It took forever for her to get out 4 to 5 words. They have NO idea what is wrong with her. They did an MRI and a CAT scan and they came back clean so at least we know she didn't have a stroke. But now they need to find out what is wrong. I will try and keep you updated - I just don't want to inundate the board with my bad news.

The kids: are all doing really well. Thank God. Aside from the colds and double ear infections I have no complaints.
Aidan is still PTing. We're finding that poops are a hurdle. He doesn't like to go poop on the potty so he does have some accidents. Not all - but more often than not. He is peeing like a champ now - even *standing up* to pee like daddy - yay!
Ryan is still as fiesty as ever. We're planning his bday party now and he is looking forward to it. He knows he is having a dinosaur party and if you ask him what a dinosaur says he starts roaring lol. He's starting to use more and more words now that the damn nuk is gone too. He is working on his two yr molars right now so he has a fever off and on all the time. He always gets a fever w/teeth.
Erynn is just so sweet. I can't believe I said I never wanted a girl - I'm so glad that changed!!! She is now LOVING the cereal. It is SO damn funny to watch her eat b/c she gets all overexcited and flails around trying to shovel the food in. I'm working on her nighttime schedule now. I'm pretty sure the boys were going to bed at 7p at this point and sleeping until 7a so we need to work on that. Last night she went down about 7p but didn't stay asleep. She went down for good at 830p but was up at 515a with a wet diaper. She ate then, went right back to sleep and is still sleeping now. DH says she'll probably be up again in a half hour or so. I guess I shouldn't complain huh? Her bottom two teeth are *right* there and should be in soon.

DH: He is still without a job. I'm not sure if I ever posted but after he had his surgery and he was out on DB they gave his job away. No notice, no nothing, just called up and said hey, by the way. So he was told he would be on full time DB b/c his Dr wrote a note saying he wasn't fit to return to work. Well, he stopped getting paid DB two months ago and we have no idea why. He has been calling the Ins Co for the last 4wks and he is getting the run around from them. He finally got in touch with someone last week who said he was listed in the system and should be rcving checks. Well, guess what. SHE actually asked HIM why he wasn't getting paid! Hello?! YOU are supposed to be paying him - how the hell would he know why he hasn't been? She said she was going to talk to the head of the dept who signed off on it and get back to him. Haven't heard since.

I'm trying really really hard to be positive right now but I feel like I just can't get out from underneath everything. I think I am usually a pretty positive person but right now it's just so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If I could just get some kind of break just long enough to catch my breath I'd be happy. I thank God every day for my kids b/c I *know* I am blessed - they truly are the light of my life. Especially now!

Anyway, that's it with me. THANK YOU if you have read this far. I know it's a lot.

4 months

She's actually closer to 5 mon now than 4 but what can you do?

Height - 26in (97%)
Weight - 15lbs, 3oz (75%)

She's doing really well. Dr said go ahead and start food so I'll probably do that this weekend b/c I want to be home for it. He can see her two bottom teeth are *this* close to popping out as well. Dr said she looks great, very strong, very happy - good job Mom and Dad. LOL.

PT Update 4-17-08

I am SO proud of my lil bubba!!

He has had NO accidents in 4 days (yest he did take a nap with a pull up on and peed but I don't count that as an accident) and he woke up this am with a dry pull up!!! John said he got up, was dry and told daddy he had to go potty. Went in and peed "for something like a minute" LMAO. I'm sure the overnight part is just a fluke lol. He is even going poops in the potty too. For whatever reason he had no interest in a kid potty so we bought one of those kid seats so he can use the toilet. This has worked in my favor b/c I don't have to deal with cleaning out the potty lol. I have no complaints. We bought the seat we have at home for daycare too b/c she didn't have one and he was all set using the toilet w/out one - he was afraid he'd fall in.

He is SO funny he'll be playing or whatever - inside or outside, it doesn't matter anymore - and he'll stop dead in his tracks and say "Uh oh!! Time to go pee pee (or poop) in the potty!!!" and he'll run his little booty to the potty and go.

That is all!

ER Visit 3-25-08

It's back to the surgeon for me tomorrow.

Went to the bathroom tonight (not straining or anything) and when I sat up the toilet was full of bright red blood. I stood up and blood was running out of me. John and I left immediately for the ER. After 4 hrs and 3 very painful internal exams they could not determine the cause of my bleeding. I'm on bedrest until I can get in to see my surgeon - I have to call him first thing.

Hopefully I'll catch a break soon!!

Complete 3-24-08

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for your well wishes. I am hanging in there. The surgery went well - took about two hours. My Dr did tell me that I will need to have another "somewhere down the road." I asked why and he said the muscle and tissue quality was not what he was expecting to find in a 31yr old and that is probably why my bladder fell. I asked if this was my fault and he said no, just how I was born. Phew! I was worried that I did it to myself lol.

My belly is sore from my tubal and I am MUCH sorer "downtown" than I ever expected. I can equate the pain to when I had Aidan and he tore me ass to elbow. My Dr explained that they went in through the front to cut the muscle and tissue, put my bladder back where it belonged and then sewed the muscle and tissue back together. What I didn't realize is that the posterior repair involved cutting me from front to back. Like an episiotomy. That sucks. So I feel like I went into the hosp to deliver a baby but came out with nothing lol.

I'm feeling better each day and just trying to take it easy. At least I can check in from my laptop while laying in bed lol.

Update 3-18-08

My surgery is on Friday. I know it's not as major as her surgery but it is still major surgery. I've only had two surgeries in my life. One in '99 to remove two tumors from my left breast and the other in '02 to remove three more tumors from my left breast. These were obviously before I had kids. You know how everything is different when you have kids. I KNOW I am going to be fine through my surgery but I can't help the what if's. My biggest fear is something happening and leaving my kids behind. Esp with them so young b/c they wouldn't even know me. That breaks my heart. I promise I am going to go in there with a positive attitude and I know I am going to be okay but I'm still really scared and really nervous. I just can't help it.

I'm NOT one to talk about my feelings so I haven't really talked to anyone about this. Just posting it here is a huge step for me. I did have a mini meltdown the other day sobbing to DH b/c I was snappy with him (b/c of all of this weighing on me) and he yelled at me to cut the shit. I finally broke down and told him how scared I was for my surgery and that until I wake up fine then I'm going to be nervous and that is why I have been so "off" for the last week. He said he understood but then he just swept it under the rug. No one is asking me how I feel about it - they just expect me to keep holding all of them up. I'm sad too b/c I'm not going to be all up and about for Easter. I had to ask my brother to come and cook dinner b/c SIL is doing it for her family and FIL at her house. Thanks a lot bitch, don't worry about us over here. (sorry, I'm bitter) There is more to the story there but I don't want to weigh all of you down with that too.

I'll stop there. Can I ask you all to say a quick prayer for my sister tomorrow and be selfish and ask for one for myself on Friday? I just want us both to get through this and move on. Thank you if you got this far - I know it's a lot.

Update 3-8-08

It's not good. : (

I am heartbroken - I've just had the hardest hour. I called my sister to check on her and she was screaming and sobbing in agony. I've never heard her cry so horribly in my life. Her pain medication had worn off and she was in incredible pain. They did *not* amputate the finger last night as planned and she is in such pain b/c she says she can literally feel it dying. The Dr had to remove the artery to her index finger b/c it was completely closed. He then bypassed another artery to open flow to her thumb and middle fingers but isn't sure it will work. He decided he would wait 5 days to remove the index finger so that he could get all of the dead tissue. My sister says she can't stand the pain and wants him to just take it now.

To make matters worse the Dr has found that all the arteries in Cheryl's body have shrunken to half closed. Again, I know that's not the correct terminology but whatever. She has some kind of Arterial Syndrome (can't remember the full name) and they told her it's hereditary. After talking to my sister about my Mom and her amputation as well as strokes at such a young age they are saying she must have had it. Cheryl is now on hypertension medication, plavix, an anti-coagulant and a blood thinner. She will be on these for the rest of her life and has to make changes to her lifestyle in order to healthy.

I think I've gotten it all down but I'm a little numb right now so pls forgive me. Again, thank you for asking about her. I've told her how many ppl are praying for her and it means a lot to both of us.

1st Surgery update 3-7-08

I talked to her about 4pm. She made it through the first surgery okay but there is bad news. She just went *back* into surgery almost an hour ago b/c they are amputating her first finger. She may have to lose her thumb and middle fingers as well but they will try to transplant (I KNOW that is the wrong term here but I am drawing a blank right now as to what the right one is) other veins from her hand or arm to try and save those fingers first. They aren't sure if it will work.

She is freaking out b/c she didn't want to lose any fingers but I keep telling her it could be so much worse. That she made it through the heart surgery just fine and she'll make it through this as well. She said she knows but she is still scared and upset.

She is going to call me when she is out of this surgery - they said it could take anywhere from 2-5hrs depending on what exactly the outcome is.

Please say a prayer that she only has to lose the one finger and that she will be okay. TY.

It's definite

I am definitely having surgery. I was examined by the surgeon yesterday afternoon. There was good news and bad news. Good news - it's not my uterus hanging out. Bad news - it's my bladder hanging out. I don't have to have the partial hysterectomy right now. He did tell me that that's not to say I won't need one in the future but he doesn't want to start out with that right away. Right now I have to wear a "pessory" to help hold everything up. It's a ring that I have to insert and wear all day. I can take it out at night. I HATE it but what can I do. The procedure he will perform is called an "Anterior and Posterior Repair." From what I gleaned (this guy is REALLY hard to talk to - dry as damn toast) they will go in and repair my muscle walls so that they come back together and hold my bladder where it should be. My surgery is March 21st at 8am. I'll either spend one night or the entire weekend in the hospital. I'm *praying* that I am able to go back to work on March 31st as scheduled. I'm not ready to but fianancially I have to.

3-5-08 might need surgery

A couple of the girls on here already know this but I am going to see a surgeon tomorrow about possibly having surgery. Not by choice. I just found out today that I have a prolapsed uterus. Apparantly having Erynn was too much strain on my body and my uterus is literally falling out of me. I'm having a really hard time dealing with this but I haven't even posted b/c I feel like all I do is post bad news and I don't want you guys to think I am making it up. I feel like I'm always posting about bad things around here.

My midwife told me today that a partial hysterectomy is the best route. Apparantly the prolapse is pretty advanced. She had me stand up during my exam and it was *right there* She kept saying how sorry she was but what can I do.

I'm sad that the *final* decision is just taken away from me. I still haven't had my tubal - I had decided to wait a while. But what's meant to be will be. I have three beautiful, healthy children and I am very thankful for them. If I have to have the partial like my midwife thinks then it is happening for a reason and I will deal with it as it comes.

TY all again - I really do appreciate each and every one of you.


My sister called me this morning asking if we have any blood disorders in our family. We don't.

Apparantly at 10pm last night her right index finger really started bothering her. She thought it was from an accidental needle stick at work that day so she ignored. This morning she woke up and her finger was blue. She went into work (she works at a Dr office) and they looked at it. No pulse and no circulation at all and it is starting to spread to her hand and the connecting tissus. She is at the hospital right now waiting to go into surgery. A Vascular surgeon is going to look at it and see if he can't find the problem. If they can't figure out what is wrong with her they told her they will have to remove her finger.

Could you please spare a prayer that my sister get through this? I told her even if she loses a finger that is much better than losing a whole hand. I just want her to be okay.

Thx girls.

My sister is still in the hospital. It will be a full week tomorrow.
She is going in for sugery tomorrow morning and it's pretty serious. In addition to what is going on with her hand she has a blood clot right now that is traveling through her body and on it's way back to her heart.

They plan to do two things during surgery: (medical gals if I explain this wrong pls correct me - she is telling me this after she's gotten her seizure meds and they tend to make her a little loopy)
First they are going to insert a cardiac catheter to break up this clot in order to prevent her from having a stroke or mini stroke. Second, they will insert another catheter through her groin, up through her hip joint, through her subclavian artery and down into her right arm stopping at the wrist. This is b/c they have found 4 clots in her right hand which is causing the lack of circulation that sent her to the hosp in the first place. They aren't even sure if they can save the first finger and they are telling her that she may lose more as they are turning blue too.

There are a lot of risks to this surgery and she is really scared. She keeps telling me she doesn't want to die. She is only 29 yrs old and I just can't believe all of the crap that has happened to her in the last few yrs healthwise.

I hate being so far away from her - I feel so helpless. If you could spare some prayers for her I would really appreciate it.

2 months

First I have to get this out - it's hard getting 3 kids up and out the door by myself by 7:30am!! Good Lord! Erynn had a Dr appt at 9am and DH is in Inservice with the Sheriff's Dept all week so I have been on my own with the kids. I had to wake them all up, get them all dressed and out the door by 7:30am in order to give myself enough time to get the boys to school and Erynn to the Dr on time. Phew! She is sleeping now so I'm taking the opportunity to clean the house in between loads of laundry.

Anyway, she had a great check up! Her stats (with difference from 1mon):
Height: 25" (up 2") off the charts
Weight: 12lbs, 12oz (up 1lb, 7oz) 85%

The SV is mine - I got on the scale this morning and I've dropped another 5lbs. I am currently 11lbs less than I weighed when I got pg with Erynn making my total weight loss to date 33lbs. Only 10lbs away from my goal weight! (my goal weight is 5lbs less than what I weighed when I got married) Ideally I'd love to lose another 20lbs but one step at a time right?

Fever 105.1

Seriously, what kind of crap is that?

Yep, the house of horrors is where I live. The boys are still sick. Daycare called yest and said I had to pick up Aidan b/c HE had a fever so I called the Dr and ended up taking the boys in. They both have bronchitis and Ryan has a double ear infection as well. Yippeee. Well, today Ryan went down for a nap and when he woke up he felt really hot so I took his temp. It said 105.1 so we immediately brought him up to the ER after giving him 1tsp of Motrin. They took his temp rectally up there and it was 104.8. They sent us to the Pediatric ER. When we checked in there I asked the nurse on duty what was a "dangerous" temp for a child. She said that the number isn't the concern, it's how fast it goes up. WTH? I always thought that a number above 104 was concerning for a child? I almost croaked when I saw 105 for crying out loud. I've never heard anyone tell me the number wasn't a concern before. Yikes.

Anyway, after 6hrs in the ER we are home now and I'm going to put Aidan to bed. Please God let this be the last of it in this house!!! The boys just took their first dose of Zithromax so I hope that cures all. Thank God I didn't get sick through any of this eh? The house would have fallen apart!


6 weeks

I can't believe it's already been 6 weeks! Where the hell does the time go??? Dr says he is very impressed with her - she was cheerful as all get out today. "Talking" up a storm, smiling and laughing. He had just gotten through asking if she started smiling yet - it was like she was on cue - she immediately laughed and smiled when he asked. As if to say "ya right buddy, have you seen my brothers? I have to do something to get noticed!" lol.

Her stats:
Height: 23in (+1.5in) 91%
Weight: 11lbs, 5oz (+2.5lbs!!!!!) 88%

She really is doing well. She gives us anywhere from 6-7hrs straight sleep every night which is great. I can't complain. Still on bm - I haven't had to supplement at all. I pump and I nurse b/c I want to make sure I keep my supply up. Now that she gets it she'll do either/or. That makes things easier too. I guess that is it.

RSV 2-2-08

Hi girls,

We took Erynn to the Dr this morning and they confirmed she is in the early stages of RSV. They say she has bronchitis right now but if her breathing becomes rapid or labored or if she gets a temp of 100.4 we need to go straight to the ER. They told us to not even bother calling them, just go right in.

All we can do is bring her in a steamy bathroom 2-3 times a day and just keep an eye on her. Could I ask for prayers that this doesn't turn into full blown RSV? Dr said it takes 3-5 days to fully develop so we should know soon enough. This is day 3 since she started.

Thx girls.

Erynn is forcibly trying to breath and is having a hard time - we are taking her to the ER as soon as my brother gets here to watch the boys.

Please say a prayer.

They admitted Erynn to the hospital. I came home b/c she didn't eat enough to relieve me and I need to pump. John is at the hosp with her. I'll stay home til the boys wake up and then I'm going back to the hosp.

Tonight was so hard. We've been lucky this far and haven't really had to see our kids go through anything. That ended. Erynn had to have an IV put in, they stuck her twice b/c the nurse couldn't get enough blood (she is going to have a huge bruise on her left arm from them trying), she had to have a catheter inserted and then she had to have two chest x rays. I hope that is all they will have to do.

Please keep the prayers coming that she will get to come home quickly. Thank you all so much!

John is in the ER now.

I'm going to jump off a bridge.

I went home to give Ryan a bath and put him to bed. Then I was going to get some sleep since I was up all night with Erynn. I had finished my first pumping session (sidebar - I had nursed her off and on all day - got home and still pumped 10oz. Sheesh!!) and was getting tucked into bed when the phone rang. It's John. He has a temp of 103.5 and is throwing up. They want to send him to the emergency room so they need me to come up. Surely he must be joking right? Nope. I'm sitting here on my laptop and settling in for a long ass night.

Can I PLEASE catch a break? Pretty please??

John was in the ER for 6 hrs before a Doc saw him. He's had chest x-rays, blood drawn and is now in Urgent Care waiting for an u/s. They aren't sure if it's the flu or his gallbladder. Yep, one extreme to the other. His liver enzymes came back abnormal which is why they are checking his g.b.

Erynn was given the okay to go home today but about an hour ago she had a 25min coughing jag that ended up in a whole lot of vomit with loads of mucous so the nurse said that we should stay for a while and watch her. She hasn't had a couging jag like that at all since this whole thing started. She is sleeping right now. We'll see what happens.

The Dr came in this morning and said she is holding her own. They are definitely keeping her tonight though. He said if her pulsox stays up then we should be able to take her home tomorrow. I got about an hr of sleep last night/this morning. I was up here at 7am and went home at 9am to pump. John just left about 30min ago to go home and sleep.

Girls you rock - I can't believe I didn't think to ask for a pump. Clearly not in my right mind. I'm going to nurse her as much as possible b/c it does seem to be easier on her for some reason - she has a hard time with choking on the bottle. She's sleeping right now. I'm going to ask for a pump though if 2pm rolls around and she still hasn't woken to eat. I'm so glad I have you girls!

TY again for all the prayers.

TY all for your thoughts and prayers - I really appreciate them!!!

Everyone is home - finally. Erynn did okay after her last feeding there so they allowed her to go home. We still have to keep an eye on her, watch her breathing, watch for fever and continue to do the steam 2-3 times a day but hopefully she'll continue to turn the corner and get better.

John was diagnosed with Hepatitis A. No idea what the hell is going on but his liver enzymes came back elevated and when they did the u/s it showed his liver is swollen. The Dr asked John how much of a drinker he is! John is NOT a big drinker at all. Just the opposite in fact. He barely drinks. They put him on Zithromax and he has to make an appt to go and see his PCP for more testing.

I've never been happier for a Monday to come - the boys both have school so I am going to plan on staying in bed all day (other than pumping of course) and catching up on the last two days sleep that I missed.

Thank you again girls. I am so grateful for all of you!

Sleep issues 19 mon

We are having an AWFUL time with Ryan and bedtime lately. It's been going on for weeks and weeks now.

We'll put him down and he is up 2 and 3 times a night screaming his head off. Today DH turned his crib into a toddler bed hoping that will help. He thinks lifting him over the crib rail and trying to put him down is what is waking Ryan up and is making things harder. Last night Ryan went to bed at 7pm but was up screaming at 8:30pm. He was up until 3:30am. He'd fall back asleep but every time we tried to put him down he'd wake up and start crying again. Then he'd go through a period of being wide awake. Now, normally, I'd be all over CIO. I don't have a problem with this. BUT in our case it's not so easy. Ryan and Aidan share a room. Aidan is in bed by 7:30pm at the latest. We also have FIL right across the hall. I can't risk Ryan waking them both up so we can't do CIO. I've done it b/c I'm so fed up but I don't let it go longer than 20min b/c of the other ppl in the house.

We just really need to get Ryan back on schedule and back sleeping through the night again. I could use any luck and/or prayers you could spare!

7.5 hrs of sleep!!

Holy crap!!!

Erynn bf (yep, she latched on!! ) from 12:15 - 12:45am and I just woke her up at 8:15am to feed her!!! Course that means I slept 7.5hrs too which means I went that long without pumping. Hopefully it doesn't effect my supply - I pumped 14.25oz. I'll just make sure I pump every 3hrs today. YAY for a nice long sleep stretch though!!

Two Weeks

I can't believe it's been two weeks already. Things are going really well I am happy to say. She is doing great. She only cries when she is hungry, she eats, is awake for a bit and then goes back to sleep. We lucked out and I am grateful. Her 2 wk check up was today - here are her stats: When we left the hosp: Now: 7lbs, 11oz 8lbs, 12oz - she gained 17oz in 14 days! 20 1/2in 21 1/4in HC 34.5 HC 37 Dr says she is doing awesome and looks more like a one month - 6wk old. She was awake and very alert the whole time. Yay - we're doing something right lol. She still won't bf but I am okay with it. Yes, it would be easier if she would but honestly as long as she gets my bm I don't care how she gets it. I'm pumping every 3hrs and I'm able to freeze this time around - I have 78.5oz of frozen bm already! I plan to keep it up as long as I can. Thx for reading!!

Birth Story

Figure I'll take advantage now - Erynn and DH are sleeping right now lol. (The boys are with my SIL)

Seriously, the easiest labor ever - I couldn't have asked for more!

So I was scheduled to be induced on Tues Dec 11th. I woke up around 2am with cramps - I tried to ignore them. At 3am I decided I should start keeping track of them. They were less than 10min apart each time, usually 6-8min. I had never gone into spontaneous labor on my own so I had no idea what to expect. In retrospect I can't believe I didn't think I'd know when I was in labor. DUH! EASY to tell lol. At 6:30am I called my midwifery office and told them I'd been having contractions for 3.5 hours that were 6-8min apart. They told me to head on in to the hospital.

I got to the hospital at 7am. Got registered, checked in, settled into my room on the birthing unit and hooked up to an IV. Walked around the maternity and birthing wards from 9-10am. At 10am I was sent back to my room to be checked again. 5cm, 90%. 12pm rolled around and they came to do my epidural. Easy - didn't feel a thing - it was great. 1:30pm my midwife came in to break my water. Here is the ODD thing. NO water came out. At all. We still don't know what happened to it b/c when Erynn was born there wasn't any either. Maybe she drank it?? lol.

3pm comes. Agnes (mw) comes in and I tell her that I'm starting to feel my contractions again. She tried the epi machine but nothing doin so she said she'd check me and then I could get a bolis (sp?) shot. Well, betcha can guess what happened when she checked me. Yep 10cm and ready to go!!!! Yahoo!!! They get all geared up, get the bassinet ready and with my next contraction I give one push and there was Erynn! I reached down, pulled her up and that was it. One more push and out came the placenta - alllll done. She has no conehead, nothing. Didn't have time to get one I guess. LOL.

First post about Erynn

Hi all!!!

Gotta love laptops and wireless eh? Well, 12hrs start to finish and Miss Erynn is here. Once she decided it was her day that was all it took. Seriously, easiest delivery and labor story ever - I'll post that soon enough. She looks so much like her brothers but seems teeny compared to them. Lil bitty head - not even time for a conehead.

Official stats: 8lbs, 3oz (u/s was 100% dead on - so weird!!) and 20.5in long.

She's here!! Posted by Steph T

John just called. Erynn arrived at 3:11 pm. She weighs 8 lb. 3 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches. She looks just like her brothers! Daddy says she will never date and will make sure of it with a nice little alarm system! lol

It took awhile b/c Christine was only 4 cm when she arrived to the hospital but once she was ready to go, it only took ONE push! Both are doing great and Christine has her lap top so I'm sure she'll post pics soon!

Congrats Christine, John, Aidan & Ryan!

Welcome to the world Erynn Louise!

We love you!!!!!

Headed to hospital

12-11-07 6:27am Posted by Steph Tram

She just called me and she was heading out the door to the hospital. She said "tell them no induction needed" lol. She is just praying that the pains she's been feeling all night are getting somewhere.

Hopefully, she'll have Erynn before we know it!

Good luck sweetie and quick and easy labor vibes!!!!

I'll keep you posted!

Induction? 12-10-07

I saw some of you asking for me - thanks for thinking of me!!

I am going into the hospital tomorrow morning to be induced. I'm 3.5 cm, my cervix is shorter and I am having contractions so my midwife thinks I just need a little boost of pitocin to send me over the edge.

I am #3 on the call list for inductions and they said I'd here between 6:30-8:30am.

Fingers crossed but it looks like Erynn will be here tomorrow!!

2nd specialist appt re: eye

We had Aidan's 2nd appt this morning with the eye specialist. We had to put atropine drops in his eyes for the last two days for them to be able to test his eyes for a glasses prescription. Well, his eyes are good. Normally a GREAT thing but not so much in his case. The Dr would have liked his vision to be bad b/c this means the glasses would almost certainly correct the turning in. Unfortunately, in Aidan's case, there is a 99.9% chance that he will need the surgery.
Next steps are to wait to hear from the Dr (by Thurs) about glasses. We were told today that they will always try the glasses first. He will wear them for 6wks and then we will go back to reevaluate. Most likely we will then have to schedule his surgery. She wanted to prepare us for this. I did find out that it is outpatient which is good - at least he'll come home the same day. I'm nervous about his needing to go under anethesia but his Dr really is the best in this field so I feel a sense of relief there.
I guess that is all I can tell you for now - ty for reading!

One day late 12-11-07

Hi girls,

Went to the Dr this morning. I *knew* she wasn't going to come early! LOL. I'm 3.5cm dilated but my cervix is still long. Had another NST today and she is doing just fine. I have another appt to go back on Tuesday and get another NST and u/s and if I want to they will talk induction. I'm hoping I just go on my own like I did at 41wks with Ryan. That's about it!

18 mon

Ryan is 18mon old as of yest and he is SUCH a little firecracker. He's definitely my devil child. b/c we are idiots and don't have enough to deal with we took the Nuk away 4 days ago cold turkey. So he is waking up every night now but we're just riding it out. No problem at all during the day but the night time is the hard to get used to part.

39 weeks

Where to start??? I feel like I have so much going on these days.

I'll start with Dr appt today. Everything went very well. Erynn IS looking to be my small baby! YAY! (I know, I know, ppl say don't go off of this but they were DEAD ON with Ryan's size so I figure it can't hurt) We had an u/s today and she looks great. Est weight is 6lbs, 11oz. So she should be around 7lbs, 4oz when she is born b/c I think she'll come in the next week or so. That is MUCH less than 8lbs, 9oz and 8lbs, 12oz! I might get my *little* girl afterall! They stripped my membranes today (OUCH) and I'm still 3cm dilated and about 50% effaced. Midwife is saying Sat is looking like a good day to have a baby lol.

38 weeks

It's official- I'm keeping my legs crossed!

My cervix is at 50-60% and I'm 3cm dilated. I told my midwife I don't want to have Erynn until at least Dec 1st and she said keep your legs crossed. LOL. Everything is going great. They did an NST on me while I was in there b/c I have noticed decreased movement but I just chalked it up to her getting ready. Next Tues I am scheduled for another NST and an u/s to check up on her.

Please send me don't deliver until Dec vibes! I know, who in their right mind requests NOT to go early but y'all know me by now - I'm not in my right mind.

Last day of work!

I just wanted to shout that from the rooftops - I am SO happy to be done with work until April!!!

37 weeks

Hi girls,

Everything is going good for the most part. Erynn is doing great, still in the "ready" position. I'm 1.5cm dilated and my midwife said yesterday that my cervix is thinning. Lost 2lbs in the last week. Iron is still only 8.8. Group B came back negative! YAY!
I am having one "issue." Really TMI but has anyone experienced excessive diarreah this close to the end? I have had it for almost 2wks straight now. My midwife had me leave a sample - oh what fun that was- and they are sending it to the hospital for testing just to make sure everything is okay.

Friday is my last day of work and it cannot come fast enough! I'm out until April 1st but I'm praying I never have to come back at all.

That's about it - TFR!

36 wk, 2 d

Hi girls,

I might be a bit sporadic on the board in the next week or so. My last day of work is a week from Friday and I have a lot to do before I go, including training my temp. I'll try to catch up from home when I can.

Update on me - I'm 36wks, 2d today. Had my check up yest afternoon and all looks good. Erynn's hb was 154, bp is low, they did the Group B Strep and I'll get those results on Tues. I'm 1cm dilated and my midwife could feel Erynn's head. I'm not thinking I'm going early though - I did this with Ryan too. The only concern is about my iron level. In spite of being on Slow FE for 2mon my iron came in at only 8.8 yest. I don't know what more I can do about that.

I think that's about it for now.

33 weeks

Morning girls,

Had my 33wk appt yest and all is well. I actually LOST 2lbs over the last 2wks (never lost at the end w/the boys but I'll take it this time around lol). My midwife was measuring my belly and says I'm right on track but then was kind of feeling my belly and said Erynn may be my small baby. YAY! I soooo want to have a lil girl and not a linebacker like her brothers lol.
Agnes mentioned they probably wouldn't have me go to 41wks this time around like I did with Ryan but I think I'm going to tell her I'm comfortable waiting. My labor/delivery with Ryan was SO much easier than with Aidan. With Aidan I was induced on my due date and with Ryan I was a week late. Went into the hosp at 4cm. As long as nothing is wrong then I don't see the problem with waiting Erynn out. If I'm overdue I get paid longer too.

I have one more 2wk appt and then I start going every week. I can't believe I only have 6.5wks left!!


Gestational Diabetes

Yep, midwife just called w/results to my fourth glucose load. Failed. Fasting was 63 and two hour was 163 (almost fell over at that one b/c I thought it couldn't be over 140 but the cut off is 155).

Sooooo sign me up for Diabetes Counseling again. Yipeeee.

(I can't help but ask - with only 7wks left what is the point)

Baby in his belly

I just got off the phone with my SIL - she's watching the kids while John is at the Dr.

Aidan went up and said "Kellie, I feel mines Erynn kicking in my belly. Oh my she is kicking me hard." And he's rubbing his belly

First day of daycare / preschool 9-19-07

Aidan started the day off in a good mood - woke up at 6:30am (went to bed at 7pm) and I was on my way out the door but reminded him today is his first day of school. He said YAY, let's go now! I said it's not time you have to pack and then I left for work.
John called me to tell me how it went. He got Aidan ready and put all his stuff in a backpack (couldn't find Aidan's Thomas bp so he just stuck it in one of ours) and Aidan said "you are going to carry my stuff for me Dad? Okay!" He picked out his own blanket to take to school with him for nap time too. They all get in the car and Aidan says "You know what I need Dad?" John says "what?" Aidan says "SCHOOOOL DONUT!" LMAO. So John gets him a plain donut. They get to school, Miss Darlene tells John that they are going to have bfast in about 1/2 an hour, then do circle time, then go outside for a bit, have lunch and take a nap. John says okay bud, I'm gonna go now. Aidan says "See ya Dad!" LMAO! Apparantly this school thing is NO problem at all! I think John is having a harder time than Aidan - he called me and said he can't believe our little boy is growing up. "He doesn't want to hang out with daddy anymore" I said don't worry hon, in 5min we're going to have another one and we can start alllllll over again. BWAHAHAHA!

Can't wait to hear all about Aidan's first day - I'll fill you in tomorrow!

Aidan LOVED school!!! He can't wait to go back which makes me really happy. I'm so glad he took to it so quickly!

Miss Darlene said she was very impressed with Aidan. He was very well mannered, saying please and thank you, shared with the other kids and helped clean up after himself. Lil bugger slept for 1.5hrs at nap time! He doesn't even do that at home! lol. She said that was the only time where he fussed but she said it was literally like a minute. He said "I think you need to call my Daddy now" when it was time for a nap but she had him lay down, rubbed his back for a min and said he was out like a light lol. YAY!

He even got himself a girlfriend while he was there. Wasting no time I guess. She just turned 2 in June and he held her hand when it was time to play outside and then ran up to the front of the line to hold her hand again on the way back in.

Darlene gives each child a "report card" of sorts for the day to let the parents know what they did, how much they ate, etc. He sang, danced, colored, glued (his lil project is hanging up on my cubicle wall lol) and just had a good day.

Thx for reading!!!

Gestational Diabetes test 9-7-07

Seriously I want to know who is out to get me.

Only my 2hr test was elevated which they said "is not indicitive" of having GD right now but it means I could have it later.

Guess what that means. YUP - I have to do the test AGAIN. Are you kidding me? I have to drink that crap again??? Oy vey. Next testing will be done between 32 and 34wks. Ugh.

Sorry, just venting.

15 months

I figured I'd wait til he went to the Dr to update - he turned 15mon on the 26th. All is well with our little tank. (that's his nickname lol) 12mon Stats 15mon Stats Height: 32" Height: 33" (100%) (same height as Aidan at 15mon) Weight: 25lbs, 11oz Weight: 26lbs, 2oz (97%) (2lbs over what Aidan was at 15mon LOL) Dr mentioned something about the hole in his chest - that dimple type thing that all babies have? Has anyone else's Dr ever expressed concern over this? He said we shouldn't be overly concerned but to keep an eye on it and if by age 5 it hasn't closed itself up then they will need to intervene. Um, that is 3.5yrs from now - did you really even need to bring this up? Ugh. He has a mouth full of teeth coming in which is why he is waking up Every. Single. Night. Guess I have to start giving him Tylenol before bed again. He has had 4 pop through but he's not done yet.

2nd GD test 8-31-07

I can't believe I have to drink this crap again!! I passed the first test with no problem but they are testing me again today.

Can I get some no GD vibes? I don't want to go through all that again - I have enough shit in my life right now!

Thx girls!

Well, I would have been able to get my results this afternoon but after talking to midwife she wants me to just take it easy and get a whole weekend of rest so I have to call back on Tuesday.

Will you keep posted - thanks for asking!


Go figure, can't I catch a break?

Sign me up for the 3hr b/c I bombed the 1hr this time. Blood sugar was 162. I also have a really low iron level. Mine was 9.9 and the minimum is supposed to be 11.7. Great. Now they want me to take my prenatal AND iron every other day. That should help with my consitpation issues eh?

Sorry to sound like a whiney brat.

Unexplained rash

Aidan has a rash and it's nothing I've ever seen before. Nothing on Ryan - just Aidan. We switched detergent and soap while in FL but we've been back for over a week and we're using our regular old stuff now. He says it doesn't hurt or itch at all. No fever, no other symptoms. Any ideas? Would you take him in to the Dr? Thx for the advice girls! I called the Dr (and waited on hold for 20 effing minutes! ) and they said the same thing - Hives. It's already spread since I posted these pics too. Gave him some Benadryl and they said to administer every 6hrs and keep an eye on it. Thx again girls! See, this is why I this board!

24 weeks

I'm 24wk, 3d today. Total weight gain so far is 13.5lbs. I feel really good for the most part - just some achiness setting in already around the hip/crotch area. That's about it!!

20 weeks

Hi girls,

Let's see.........I'm 20wks, 1 day today. Erynn is kicking up a storm but it comes in spurts. I feel her more some days, less others. Got the results from my first GD test - negative so far. But they'll test me again at 28wks. Greeeat, can't wait to drink that crap again. UGH. LOL.

It's a.............



Erynn Louise Foley!!!
Yep, it's a GIRL!!!!!!! Everything looks great and she is just perfect. HR was 163. Mother's instinct was right again! Bring on the shopping!!

First ER visit


I was by myself w/the kids (big surprise there right? lol) last night. SIL and FIL went to nephews baseball game and DH was working. The kids were playing in the living room and I told them that I was going to make dinner now. I am preparing dinner when all of a sudden I here "Ryan, NO" and then Ryan starts screaming. He must have been in the bathroom and Aidan was trying to get him out (I don't let the kids play in the bathroom b/c, naturally, they go for the damn toilet!) b/c he knows he isn't supposed to be in there. Well, he was shutting the door and didn't realize that Ryan's FINGER was IN it. He didn't get it shut tight but I had to push the door open to get Ryan's finger out - it was really shut in there.

Ryan's finger was completely flat where the door had gotten it and bright white except for the tip of it which was a very bright and angry red/purple. The first thing I did was put ice on it and then I started making phone calls. DH took the van to work so I had no carseats. I called SIL's phone and she isn't answering. I'm talking she had 15 missed calls when she came home. I called DH sobbing b/c Ryan is SCREAMING his head off and he's hurt. DH went to his supervisor and told him he had to leave, that one of his kids was hurt. (The asshole actually had the balls to YELL at DH!!!!) I kept trying to call SIL but she never answered. Last night I realized I really have NO ONE in an emergency!

So DH gets home takes one look at Ryan's finger and says he needs to go to the ER. I get Ryan in his pj's and a sweatshirt, give him a sippy w/milk, his doggie lovey and a nuk and they go up. They come home 3 hours later. Ryan's pinky finger is fractured and it's in a splint. We have to take him to an orthopedic Dr next week to have it looked at.

I don't know how but he came home in good spirits - just tired.

Update 6-12-07

I'll try and keep this brief! LOL

Let's see - I'm 15+wks pg and everything is great. Had an appt last Monday and finally heart baby's heartbeat. Not sure if I even posted but at my last appt they couldn't find the hb but thought that it was just positioning. HR was 160 and all is looking great. We find out if we're having an Eryn or an Owen on July 3rd. They are testing me early for GD this time around - I have to go in and do the drink on July 5th. Ugh. I don't want to be dieting that long! I'm hoping I don't have it this pg.

PTing update: going pretty well so far. I got home from work last night and Aidan was running around in just a tshirt. No undies and no accidents! My SIL had been taking him to the potty for most of the afternoon every 15min or so and having him sit on it. I put him in underwear when I got home and let him run around. We let him go outside and SIL asked if he wanted to pee on the flowers. After running back and forth w/nothing happening he finally said Kellie, I pee on the flowers! He ran up to the house, pulled down his underpants and peed on the flowers!! YAY! You would have thought that we just won a million dollars w/all the screaming he did. He was SO proud of himself and ran around the yard like a crazy man. So far so good. We had a poop accident but hey, it's day one so what can I expect?

Sleep issues 13 mon

Ryan used to sleep straight through the night 12-13hrs at a minimum. Well, for the last 3 nights in a row he has woken up around 1am and is up crying off and on for the rest of the night!

The night before last night it was just me and I was up with him from 1am - 5am. Then he slept until 10am for DH. (go figure) I don't know what the heck is going on. I tried CIO but he woke up Aidan so I had TWO kids to put back to sleep and SIL said she heard him crying all night too. Great. I don't want to disturb the entire freaking house so it looks like CIO might not be such a good option right now. (Have I mentioned lately that I can't WAIT for my damn house to be done? lol)

I *think* Aidan might have gone through this too but I can't remember.

1 yr stats

I know I posted pics last week but he just had his 1yr appt this morning. (DH just called lol) Height: 32 inches (100th percentile) Up 2.5in from 9mon Weight: 25lbs, 11oz (85th percentile) Up 2lbs, 1oz from 9mon Dr is impressed with how well he is doing and says that everything looks great.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Peed on potty 5-7-07

I was stunned!!

We went out to bfast w/my friend Lisa, her DH and their daughter and all of a sudden Aidan leans over and says Mama, pee pee on the potty! I said you have to go now? He says yes! So DH takes him to the potty and he really went!!!!!!!

I'm excited at ANY progress Aidan makes. One day he'll want to pee on the potty, will go once and then not again for a week. I know it's still early and he isn't even 2 1/2 yet so I'm not holding any expectations. We made a huge deal out of it - DH gave him some Twizzlers when we got home and I bought him one of those good sized plastic balls to go play with in the backyard for peeing on the potty.

That's all.

Update on passing


First, I just want to say thank you to all of you for the kind msgs, emails and notes. I really appreciate your thinking of me during all of this. My Mom was the most amazing person in my life and this has been so hard for me. Knowing I had so many friends thinking of me and giving me support really helped - esp when so many ppl were counting on me to be the strong supportive one!

My Mom passed last Mon night. Her funeral was Friday morning. I honestly still don't think it has hit me. I haven't had a real cry yet - I'm still waiting for the breakdown. I had to hold it together for everyone else so I'm not really sure I know how to let it all go you know? Monday was esp tough. We had taken my Mom off life support and were waiting for her to pass. My sister was all stressed out (understandably) and had a seizure in the ICU. Well, b/c she had a seizure on hospital grounds they brought her to the ER. After her seizures she HAS to take meds b/c she gets a migraine. At the hosp she didn't get her migraine meds fast enough so the migraine induced another seizure. This time, when she woke up, she didn't remember anything. She thought it was 2004. Had no idea why we were at the hospital. That was really awful - how was I supposed to remind my sister that we were there to say goodbye to our Mother? I did though and we got through it.

Everyone has gone home now and life is "back to normal" whatever that means. I'm back to work so I'll be back online. I have a lot of catching up to do.

I do have some good news - but I will post that seperately.

TY again girls.

1st pg appt


I am VERY happy to report that Baby3.0 is doing just fine! Needless to say I could definitely be a little easier on 3.0 but he/she is doing okay in spite of all the turmoil!

I am 8wks tomorrow. HR was 142 (hmmmm, much lower than both of the boys.........could this be my little girl???)

Here is his/her first picture

Shannon update 4-15-07

Hi girls,

My Mom just called me. Christine called her (my Mom is a nurse so she wanted to talk to her) and said that they are taking her Mom off life support tomorrow. I won't get into the details, but I just thought you all would want to know. Please keep the prayers coming for Christine, her Mom, and her family through this difficult time.


(((HUGS))) and prayers, Christine. I'm here if you need me.

Update 4-13-07

I haven't been online in a few days so I wanted to come on and update you all.

My Mom is still on Life Support. She has had Dialysis the last four days in a row for 3.5 - 4hrs per session. As of today they have removed 25lbs of fluid from her body with the dialysis. Amazing. She is fully sedated b/c of the tubes down her throat (the ventilator and the feeding tube) so she isn't responsive at all but it's clearly for the best. I would never want her to remember this. Her kidney levels have improved, down from 5.7 to 3.5. Creatinine is what it is called I believe. A "normal" level is 1. But we are very happy w/her levels now - she has done SO well. My Mom's team of ICU docs are calling her the miracle lady.

When we left tonight the Dr's told us that MAYBE they could try extubating her tomorrow. Nothing definite and it depends on how she does tonight but to even hear them say that is HUGE. We are SO excited. My brother and sister are here - we flew them in on Tuesday - so I have my family with me. (of course I'm ready to ship my sister home yesterday but hey, what can I say? )

Thank you all SO much for your thoughts and prayers I honestly think they are making such a difference. My Mom has done such a great job so far and I think all of your prayers are helping. Please continue to pray for her!

Much and (((HUGS))) to ALL of you.

Update 4-11-07

Posted by Steph T

I talked to Christine briefly this morning.

Her mom is in critical condition. They are not sure how long she will ventilated. They are only taking it day by day. They MIGHT consider taking her off but not anytime soon b/c she has to be stabilized.

Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Update from Shannon
I talked to Christine's DH John this afternoon and he said nothing had changed, but he would have Christine call me when she came out of her mom's room. I didn't hear back from her and that was 1pm today. I'm sure she is just really tired, overwhelmed, and busy there at the hospital. I'm hoping no news is good news.

Shannon update 4-10-07 Life Support

Posted by Shannon

Hi girls,

Christine just called me and let me know her Mom is on life support. My Mom, Katelyn, and I are heading up to say our good-byes now.

If you could please pray for Christine's Mom and Christine's family during this difficult time, I know she would appreciate it. Thanks.

Update 4-9-07

Could still use prayers if you don't mind.

My mom is still in the Intensive Care Unit. Her kidney specialist just called and said he is starting on Dialysis tonight. Things just aren't going the way he'd like to see them. She is getting IV Lasixs around the clock as well as boulis shots of it and it's just not helping to get as much liquid out as it should be. She is on the BiPap (breathing) machine every four hours. During the "breaks" from this machine she is still strapped up to oxygen with a nasal cannula and face mask. Her pulsox still doesn't get above 91%. Hopefully the pneumonia clears up soon and this will improve. She is going to be in the ICU for a while and the hospital even longer.

Thank you girls for being here I really appreciate it more than I can articulate.

Update 4-5-07

Just got home from the hospital. It's not great news.

My Mom is in Congestive Heart Failure, Renal failure, she has cellulitis in her left leg and she has pneumonia. They have her up in Intensive Care. She'll be there for a while the Dr says. When she was admitted to the hosp today her pulsox was in the low 70's. I almost fell over - it's supposed to be 95% and up! She is hooked up to a BiPap machine - it's essentially forcing her to breathe. They told me she is one step away from being intubated. I am praying that it doesn't come to that. If she can stay on the BiPap machine for the night they will try taking her off it and putting a regular oxygen mask on her face. If she tolerates that and keeps her pulsox off then that will be a step in the right direction. I had to sign a consent form to put a Central Line in her chest. If her BP stays down and her urine function continues to improve then they won't have to do it but they needed my consent just in case. (I am my Mom's Healthcare Proxy)

Would you girls mind saying a few more prayers for my Mom? I would really appreciate it.


Enters hospital 4-5-07

I got a call from the nursing home this morning and my mom is in renal failure. Her blood tests were off the chart. They have admitted her to the hosp and I'm waiting to hear further.

Could you please say a prayer for my Mom? Thx girls.



We need to figure this out. We will have 4 bedrooms. Clearly DH and I get the master. Here is my question: Do we keep the 2 boys sharing a room, give Baby3.0 his/her own room and then have a guest room? Or do we give each kid their own room? What do you think??

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 2 of 69 in Discussion From: crossedfingers2 Sent: 3/29/2007 7:50 AM Option 1? lol CONGRATS!!! H&H 9 Months!!!

Reply Recommend Message 3 of 69 in Discussion From: My_2_Girls Sent: 3/29/2007 7:52 AM LMAO I was wondering all night how you were going to word this! Love it!!! Congratulations again, happy birthday John.

Reply Recommend Message 4 of 69 in Discussion From: tmmygrl Sent: 3/29/2007 8:07 AM OMG Christine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I say you have to wait until 20 weeks and decide...if this baby is a girl, then I think the boys share a room, the girl has her own and you have a guest room. If this baby is another boy, I think they should all have their own room, or all 3 share a room (you wouldn't want one left out he he). When we were talkign about this the other day and I said "well, you wouldn't have this one until next year anyway, so your work should be fine"...I went back and did the math...and wouldn't this put you due in December??? Either way, it will all work out ya know!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 5 of 69 in Discussion From: CheriF333 Sent: 3/29/2007 8:10 AM holy cow!!! yay! i'm soo excited for you!!! and now I get to live baby #3 through you :)Good luck on your decision... i don't see anything wrong with the two youngest sharing a room if it's another boy... or the two oldest can still share a room while the baby has his/her own room until they're older and sleeping through the night, then you can always change the rooms around.i'm grinning ear to ear for you!!! :)

Reply Recommend Message 6 of 69 in Discussion From: MrsBKS Sent: 3/29/2007 8:11 AM Congratulations!! If you gave each kid their own room, would you still have a playroom? If so, I'd give them each a room.

Reply Recommend Message 7 of 69 in Discussion From: Emma_and_Mike Sent: 3/29/2007 8:13 AM Congratulations!

Reply Recommend Message 8 of 69 in Discussion From: LukesMama6 Sent: 3/29/2007 8:13 AM omg C - WONDERFUL NEWS! You are fertile myrtle!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! Um are you gonna have 3 under 3??????? holy crap, you are my idol! I am chicken shit! xoxoxoxoxoxo happy & healthy nine to you! jac

Reply Recommend Message 9 of 69 in Discussion From: apbaker Sent: 3/29/2007 8:14 AM Unbelieveable!!! Congrats Christine!!!! I had a feeling!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!

Reply Recommend Message 10 of 69 in Discussion From: cmiami Sent: 3/29/2007 8:22 AM WOOHOO!! Congrats on the BFP!!!

Reply Recommend Message 11 of 69 in Discussion From: mrsmatt Sent: 3/29/2007 8:25 AM Awesome! Congrats Christine! And if you are serious about the question, we have the same scenario. We plan on having a 3rd kid and we have 4 bedrooms. Right now they each have their own bedroom and then we have a guest room. We plan on having Ethan move into the guest room and sleep in the queen size bed and then when guests come they will use his room and he'll bunk with his siblings. I plan on having bunk beds in each of the kids rooms for this reason. I don't want to give up a guest room but I also do want to make them share while one room is empty most of the time so this seems like a happy medium.

Reply Recommend Message 12 of 69 in Discussion From: summermac Sent: 3/29/2007 8:31 AM Shut the fuck up! I KNEW IT! That chart was too good! Okay, to answer your question: I personally don't like the idea of my kids sharing their rooms so if I had the room, they'd each get their own. We don't get a lot of OOT guests since most friends/family live locally.

Reply Recommend Message 13 of 69 in Discussion From: BrittanyJennifer Sent: 3/29/2007 8:39 AM YAYAYAYAY!!! Congratulations!!!! I say wait 20 weeks, see who it is and if its a girl, go hog wild with pink and have the boys share. If its a boy, have the 2 youngest share! WOO HOOOOOOO!

Reply Recommend Message 14 of 69 in Discussion From: annief0906 Sent: 3/29/2007 8:44 AM NICE! I was wondering how you were going to do this.... Are you serious about the bedroom situation? If so, i say wait till you find out and if it's a girl, obviously have Aidan and Ryan share a room w/bunk beds. If it's a boy, have the 2 youngest share. Congrats again sweetie!!! I'm so happy for you. And don't worry about work. I'll call you later.

Reply Recommend Message 15 of 69 in Discussion From: IzzyFLmom Sent: 3/29/2007 8:45 AM CONGRATULATIONS!! Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!

Reply Recommend Message 16 of 69 in Discussion From: daydreamer122103 Sent: 3/29/2007 8:56 AM Congratulations!!! Hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months!!!

Reply 0 recommendations Message 17 of 69 in Discussion Sent: 3/29/2007 8:59 AM This message has been deleted by the author.

Reply Recommend Message 18 of 69 in Discussion From: bakerjod__ Sent: 3/29/2007 9:00 AM HoLyShiznit.CONGRATULATIONS!!nice in-cognito subject line! :)

Reply Recommend Message 19 of 69 in Discussion From: stlouisaggie Sent: 3/29/2007 9:00 AM CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 20 of 69 in Discussion From: Cyntilias Sent: 3/29/2007 9:01 AM HOLY CRAP!!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!! I am SOOO excited for you guys! Hopefully, work won't freak out

Reply Recommend Message 21 of 69 in Discussion From: BuggyBride Sent: 3/29/2007 9:01 AM My delete, hit send too fast, lol... Wow!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! As for the room, if you really are asking, if you plan on having a guestroom, then I'd keep the boys together in one room, bunk beds perhaps, but you already have the convertible cribs. Hmmm....we'll have to just wait and see what Baby#3 is! I'm so happy for you! Don't worry, it will all work out!

Reply Recommend Message 22 of 69 in Discussion From: bakerjod__ Sent: 3/29/2007 9:02 AM ps - is DH going to have room on his leg for this one's name? :)how long did it take you to get PG with Aidan? I thought it was longer...

Reply Recommend Message 23 of 69 in Discussion From: annief0906 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:04 AM Jody is onto something here. It took you what? 18 months for Aidan, then maybe 2 for Ryan? And this was an oops? or next time John will only have to look at you!

Reply Recommend Message 24 of 69 in Discussion From: Lori_1109 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:09 AM Congratulations!! You are sneaky. lol! For your room issues, I would give every kid his or her own room and just make sure one of the big kid beds is big enough to sleep guests.

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 25 of 69 in Discussion From: baby4hla Sent: 3/29/2007 9:14 AM CONGRRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you really want advice on the rooms, I say wait until you know the sex of the baby and decide, but I"m all for the boys sharing and having a guest room. I *think* that's what we are going to do

Reply Recommend Message 26 of 69 in Discussion From: winelover_1997 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:18 AM Congratulations!!!!!!! Welcome, baby #3!! Hmmmm......I'm not big on house guests, so I'd give everyone their own room, LOLOL!!!

Reply Recommend Message 27 of 69 in Discussion From: elle314 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:25 AM HOLY MOLY!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! WOWIE!

Reply Recommend Message 28 of 69 in Discussion From: Marriedmyprince3 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:27 AM omg holy fark! congrats christine!

Reply Recommend Message 29 of 69 in Discussion From: teap13 Sent: 3/29/2007 9:32 AM Oh wow! I was thinking I'd come in here and you'd need some redecorating advice! totally didn't see that coming.. I'm so out of it lately! That is SOOOO awesome! Congratulations! ((hugs)) I need to catch up on babies.. I'm fallin' behind!

Reply Recommend Message 30 of 69 in Discussion From: MrsIowaPG Sent: 3/29/2007 9:43 AM HOLY COW! Congratulations!!!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 31 of 69 in Discussion From: aegovernor Sent: 3/29/2007 9:51 AM HOLY MOLY CHRISTINE!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I wish you nine very happy and healthy months. Did you tell DH yet? Reaction? I think I would keep A and R together especially if #3 is a GIRL!!!! I like having a guest room because all of my family lives overnighter far away. With that said, if we have a second and my sis is still living with us we will give up the guest room for awhile.

Reply Recommend Message 32 of 69 in Discussion From: soupsgirl Sent: 3/29/2007 9:52 AM HOLY CRAP!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!OMG! OMG OMG OM GOMG!you sneakster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOT!

Reply Recommend Message 33 of 69 in Discussion From: StephLovesLilDylan Sent: 3/29/2007 9:54 AM Um you need a guest room for when we come to visit! You know I just knew it...Joe says he's in for trouble now..HAHA. It's ok, I think I can live thru you for awhile...especially when this one DOESN'T sleep! I just hope you get your girl and not twin boys. What did John say about his bday present???? Love ya!!!!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 34 of 69 in Discussion From: nikkikoikealani Sent: 3/29/2007 10:11 AM time to shop for a new house! congrats girlie. how exciting. xo ~m

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 35 of 69 in Discussion From: jackowmi Sent: 3/29/2007 10:32 AM Congrats!!!!! Thats awesome! : ) Michele

Reply Recommend Message 36 of 69 in Discussion From: LexNJulia Sent: 3/29/2007 10:34 AM HOLY COW, CHRISTINE!!! Congrats! If 3.0 is a boy, I'd have the youngest two share, to keep a guest room. If 3.0 is a girl, I'd have Aidan and Ryan share. And if it's twins of any variety, I'd buy myself a one-way ticket to Tahiti. I'm so happy for you!

Reply Recommend Message 37 of 69 in Discussion From: Mom-MI Sent: 3/29/2007 11:18 AM CONGRATS! I hope you get your girl!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 38 of 69 in Discussion From: Shegak Sent: 3/29/2007 11:29 AM OH MY GOODNESS!!! Congratulations! What a sneaky post-title! That's wonderful news. Yippee for you guys!

Reply Recommend Message 39 of 69 in Discussion From: StaySee243 Sent: 3/29/2007 12:26 PM CONGRATS CHRISTINE!!!! I was wondeing with your chart looking super sweet!!!! that is wonderful! Im so happy for you...I would go with sharing for the boys being they are close in age, its not like one is 8 and one is a newborn, kwim. And when your 3.0 arrives he/she will get their own room!

reply Recommend Message 40 of 69 in Discussion From: velouria_isaac Sent: 3/29/2007 12:45 PM OMG, Christine! CONGRATULATIONS! Awesome news!

Reply Recommend Message 41 of 69 in Discussion From: xgirl052503 Sent: 3/29/2007 12:58 PM Wow! I guess the answer to my Q yesterday, LOL! Congrats honey! I say give 'em all their own room and put guests on the couch ;)

Reply Recommend Message 42 of 69 in Discussion From: TinyRonlyn Sent: 3/29/2007 1:04 PM Congrats Christine!!! WOO HOO!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 43 of 69 in Discussion From: kegelgal Sent: 3/29/2007 1:35 PM Holy crap, this is not what I was expecting!!! CONGRATS!!!! And no matter what the sex, each kid gets their own room - they can bunk up on the odd night you have a guest.

Reply Recommend Message 44 of 69 in Discussion From: JenPrince1010 Sent: 3/29/2007 1:52 PM Wow! I wasn't expecting this!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 45 of 69 in Discussion From: _kat6_ Sent: 3/29/2007 2:21 PM I love how you posted this! Too much!!--you crack me up! CONGRATS again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 46 of 69 in Discussion From: _kat6_ Sent: 3/29/2007 2:24 PM oh yeah, and about the rooms - unless you know you have lots and lots and lots of overnighters, I'd give all the kids there own rooms. Growing up me and my 2 sisters had our own rooms, and then when we did have company/family whoever sleep over, they slept in my room (I had a queen) and then slept in my sisters room - (she had two twins in her room) and I we had overnighters maybe 3-4 x's a year......hth! CONGRATS again!

Reply Recommend Message 47 of 69 in Discussion From: AmieRae Sent: 3/29/2007 2:29 PM CONGRATS!!!!!!! OMG that is so awesome! I'd put the kids each in their own rooms, I'm not the sharing type

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 48 of 69 in Discussion From: BayBraymom Sent: 3/29/2007 2:30 PM OMG, I almost missed this post. Congratulations girl!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 49 of 69 in Discussion From: MrsAdirondack Sent: 3/29/2007 2:31 PM OMG! OMG!! Congratulations!!!! Hmmm...and I was thinking there was really something wrong with your house!!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 50 of 69 in Discussion From: MrsGinGA Sent: 3/29/2007 3:33 PM WOW! Congratulations!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 51 of 69 in Discussion From: ShelleyS_2003 Sent: 3/29/2007 3:36 PM HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Christine!!!

Reply Recommend Message 52 of 69 in Discussion From: DoubleALoftus Sent: 3/29/2007 5:39 PM OMG!!!!!! Congrats!

Reply Recommend Message 53 of 69 in Discussion From: moongoddessfairy Sent: 3/29/2007 5:58 PM yay! Congratulations!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 54 of 69 in Discussion From: betakaratene Sent: 3/29/2007 6:09 PM OMG!!!! Congrats!!!!!!I'd give them each a room. You can always rearrange when overnight guests come, esp. if it is infrequent.

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 55 of 69 in Discussion From: crazymooshel Sent: 3/29/2007 6:13 PM LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWESOME, CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!P.S. I KNEW you two wouldn't "settle" for 2 kids!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!To each his own! (room, that is....)

Reply Recommend Message 56 of 69 in Discussion From: Ang-Aaliyah Sent: 3/29/2007 7:31 PM wow! congrats!! I am so excited for you!!

Reply Recommend Message 57 of 69 in Discussion From: applecheeks Sent: 3/29/2007 8:27 PM OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo excited for you. I was like Christine got alot of responses about her new house I guess I should check it out - didn't expect this (my head has been in the clouds all week!), YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 58 of 69 in Discussion From: MommytoTyler-WendyO Sent: 3/29/2007 8:38 PM Holy shnizzle! CONGRATS!! Spring for the 5 BR and they'll be enough room for everyone plus more!!!!

Reply Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 59 of 69 in Discussion From: HippieMama_ Sent: 3/29/2007 9:45 PM I just KNEW it!!! Yay!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you!

Reply Recommend Message 60 of 69 in Discussion From: Mamacita Sent: 3/29/2007 11:02 PM wow! congrats! I am so happy for you!

Reply Recommend Message 61 of 69 in Discussion From: mommy2babycos Sent: 3/30/2007 10:27 AM Congrats Christine! You were cracking me up with all your "charting but NOT TTC'ing" stuff...I KNEW you'd be having baby no. 3 soon just by the way you were over-adamant about're too cute!That's awesome!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 62 of 69 in Discussion From: LnghrnBride Sent: 3/30/2007 10:28 AM Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 63 of 69 in Discussion From: Lucylulu21 Sent: 3/30/2007 11:40 AM HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 64 of 69 in Discussion From: fayedawg Sent: 3/30/2007 5:41 PM HOLY SHIZ!!! GIRL!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!I really wasn't up for giving advice, but I thought there might be pics of new construction or something. Ummm, this is way better!WOW!!! CONGRATS Miss Fertile Mertle!!! Faye

Reply Recommend Message 65 of 69 in Discussion From: MrsLawgirl03 Sent: 3/30/2007 9:05 PM OMG!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 66 of 69 in Discussion From: Katies Mom Sent: 3/30/2007 9:27 PM Congrats!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Thinking PINK PINK PINK!!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 67 of 69 in Discussion From: ArizonaMaria34 Sent: 3/30/2007 11:17 PM Congratulations Christine!!! You are making me reconsider my IUD.

Reply Recommend Message 68 of 69 in Discussion From: ChlobelleTwo Sent: 4/1/2007 2:20 PM WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Christine!!!!

Reply Recommend Message 69 of 69 in Discussion From: C-lineRose Sent: 4/1/2007 7:14 PM Yahoo! Congratulations!!!!

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