Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sleep issues 8-21-06

We have been having SUCH a hard time with Aidan for the last week or so. He's waking up two and three times a night, hasn't been taking naps in his bed at all. He'll fall asleep in the car if we are out but that's it. Otherwise, when we try to put him down for a nap he screams his bloody head off until we give up. I'm talking we try for well over an hour.

DH got him to go down for a nap today - for the first time in over a week. I am so excited. But now we have to work on nights. It just SUCKS lately. Fri night Aidan kept waking up all night until finally at 3am we had had enough and let him just sleep with us. Sat night he woke up again and wouldn't go back down. DH ended up falling asleep in the rocker in Aidan's room TRYING to get him to go back to sleep. He slept in there all night. Last night it happened again - DH fell asleep while trying to get Aidan back to sleep and slept in the rocker again. DH goes back to work Wed night and I'm telling you I can't do this all night long and watch Ryan too by myself.

CIO just isn't working - Aidan goes through his room tearing shit up and just screams and screams his head off.

Tonight I did the "SuperNanny" thing. DH had been in w/Aidan for well over an hour..............he was pulling the same thing I said above. I finally went in there about 40min ago and forced him to lay down on his pillow and told him I'd sit there. Well, it took me 20 *just* to get him to lie down! He was screaming the whole time. But I kept it up and I sat next to his bed until he fell asleep and crept out of his room.

I would be SO grateful for any advice you girls can give me. I'm at my wit's end here.

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