Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Giving up 9-14-06

Hi girls - I just wanted to say hello and check in. DH is home tonight and is hanging w/Ryan so I have some time to myself.

Things with my Mom are going better. To make a REALLY long story short the issues that were going on with her is that she was trying to kill herself. She had stopped taking all food and all of her medications. My Mom has heart, kidney and blood pressure problems and Type II diabetes so it's very important for her to take her meds daily. She had also invoked a DNR which has NOT been anything she had wanted previously.

Things are MUCH better with her now. My brother and I, my husband, my kids, my FIL and my SIL have all banded together and pretty much bombarded her with our love and support. We have made her realize she has everything in this world to live for. I am very happy to report that she is eating again, taking her medication and participating in physical therapy again to get stronger.

I have been trying to keep up with posts and catch up with what I have missed. I still won't be on as often as before but hopefully I'll be back as much as possible soon.
I miss all of you and I wanted to say thank you for everything.

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