Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PT Update 4-17-08

I am SO proud of my lil bubba!!

He has had NO accidents in 4 days (yest he did take a nap with a pull up on and peed but I don't count that as an accident) and he woke up this am with a dry pull up!!! John said he got up, was dry and told daddy he had to go potty. Went in and peed "for something like a minute" LMAO. I'm sure the overnight part is just a fluke lol. He is even going poops in the potty too. For whatever reason he had no interest in a kid potty so we bought one of those kid seats so he can use the toilet. This has worked in my favor b/c I don't have to deal with cleaning out the potty lol. I have no complaints. We bought the seat we have at home for daycare too b/c she didn't have one and he was all set using the toilet w/out one - he was afraid he'd fall in.

He is SO funny he'll be playing or whatever - inside or outside, it doesn't matter anymore - and he'll stop dead in his tracks and say "Uh oh!! Time to go pee pee (or poop) in the potty!!!" and he'll run his little booty to the potty and go.

That is all!

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