Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update 5-9-06


You rock for checking up on me. I'm here and I'm okay!

Friday was my last day at work so my internet usage will be dropping now that i"m home. My boys are sleeping right now and I'm in between loads of laundry so I have a min to pop on. I tried to get on all day yest but my internet was down and then it was saying the Site was down. Pain in my ass.

But I'm alive and well! Went to the Dr today - I'm now 3cm dilated and she was touching Ryan's HEAD while doing my internal. She said I would be SO easy to strip (my membranes) but b/c I am Group B positive this time they can't do it b/c it will increase my risk of infection.

Anyways, I'm here, I'm okay and I will try and get on more often!!

(((HUGS))) to you all!!!

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