Friday, January 23, 2009

15 wks

Well, I just got back from my 15 week appt. Everything looks really good.

The only glitch they found is my blood type is A - which means I'll have to get a Rhogham (sp?) shot at 20wks and then again before I give birth. No biggie. My blood apparantly is most likely incompatible with the baby's blood so this protects the both of us. The second shot will protect me in any future pregnancies.

Total weight gained = 1 lb! YAY! I can deal with that lol. Only 1lb in almost 4 months. Works for me.

I had the bloodwork done for my AFP as well. Does anyone know when I'll get the results of this test back? I completely forgot to ask.

BIG u/s is Monday, August 2nd so we should know the sex of the baby in just 3 weeks!

I think that's it!


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