Morning Everyone!So I went to the dr's office yesterday for my IUI. DH and I got there at 3:45pm and they did the IUI at 6:15pm. It went very well according to the dr. He was very excited - said DH gave a *great* specimen. GAG! LOL.
DH got to go and see his little swimmers under the microscope - he was so funny lol. I had to lie there for 15 min after the procedure so DH went to look while I was lying down. He came back and I said how did it go? He said that he looked and "there were all these little things just jumping around and going crazy" LMAO. The things guys say huh?I asked the dr what the success rate was and he said about 10 - 14%. Yuck. But he said that is about as common as regular intercourse. With each IUI they do the success rate grows so that by the time you get the 3rd one done (if necessary) the rate is up to 60% so I guess that is good. The dr is hoping that I won't have to come back again b/c this try looked so good. We'll see though! Hopefully I O today or tomorrow!!!Christine (irish2irish9801)TTC#1, 15months
Clomid#1, CD20
1 day after IUI, waiting to O
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