Friday, January 23, 2009

Temping update


Okay, here's the update:

Before I called I punched in a "fake" temp on my chart for tomorrow and, just as you all suspected, FF moved my O date to CD22. Since DH and I bd'd on Sunday and I MIGHT have O'd on Monday she wants me to wait two more weeks to take the progesterone. By then (if my chart is correct) I will most likely have gotten AF regardless and I won't need to do the progesterone.

Here are my next steps: CD 3- 7 I will take 100mg of Clomid - she is doubling my current dose. Beginning CD13 they will draw blood and will continue to do so until they know I am about to O.

They will be checking 4 things:
1. My estrogen on CD13 should be over 100. If not - that is an issue.
2. My Progesterone should be <> 200 for each mature follicle.
4. LH. When my LH double they will know I am about to O and I'll have the IUI. Doing the blood work every day will detect this.

This means NO MORE OPK'S!!! YAY!!! No chance at my screwing up the OPK if they are going to do the bloodwork. She does want me to continue charting b/c she loves the charts. The rest will be up to them.

Soooo, that's it in a nutshell. No pg for me yet (unless it's a freaking miracle and I end up pg this cycle but I am in SERIOUS doubt) BUT I can deal with that b/c now I know what my next steps are and I have faith in them. I am much more comfortable getting bloodwork done every day to determine my LH surge than relying on an OPK that is just too tempermental for my tastes.

So, once again, THANK YOU ALL so much for listening to me whine and b!tch for the last two days. Thank you for all of your advice, kind words, hopes and prayers. I am grateful to every last one of you!!!!!

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