Monday, May 12, 2014

Days 9-12

Go figure, I have some catching up to do!   

Day 9 - What's on your life list / bucket list?

Well, I think a bucket list is for people who are dying but I kind of like life list so I'll give it a shot.  There are only two things I can think of right now.  I'm sure there are a LOT more but I have four days of catching up to do so I'm not thinking clearly right now.  
1.  Travel to Ireland.  Hands down, I really want to go.  I've wanted to go for years.  It's just a matter of making it happen.  Getting a passport would be a good step, don't you think??
2.  Do a 5K.  I'm making that happen on Saturday so I'll be able to check that off pretty damn soon.  YAY!

Day 10 - Daily Routine

OMG.  Really?  It depends on the day!!
Mon - Thurs:
4:40a - alarm goes off, get ready for work.  Okay, I prob hit snooze 2 times.
5:40 - 5:45a - leave house.
6:30a - start work
5:00p - leave work, IF I'm lucky.  We'll just say I got lucky and I left on time
6-6:30p - arrive home, cook dinner if I get home first, eat, hang with kids.
7:30p - get kids to bed, lay out clothes for school.
7:45p - lay out clothes for work, get ready for bed.
8-9p - hang out w hubby, then bed.  Try to fall asleep.  If can't read or watch tv a little longer and then go to sleep.

6:45a - alarm goes off.
7:00a - wake up Erynn, get her dressed, breakfast, hair done.
7:30a - wake up boys, get them dressed, breakfast.
7:40a - get Erynn on bus.
7:45 - 8:30a - make sure boys did all homework, have eaten, brushed teeth, quiz them on their spelling words.   Leave for school.
8:40a - drop boys off, head in for copying.  Copy for 1-2hrs, depending on how much there is.
Next couple of hours depends on if I have a dr appt or errands to run.
2:30p - get Erynn off bus
3:00p - pick boys up from school.  If it's nice out I take them to the park to play for a while.
6:00p - start cooking dinner.

Saturday depends on what we have going on.
Sunday is laundry day unless we're camping or have something going on.

Day 11 - The last book you read
Ummmmm.  It was Giving In by Maya Banks.   I just started it on Friday and I finished it on Saturday night while we were camping.  Fast reader, remember?

Day 12 - Something that you miss

So, this says something.  Not someone.  So, I choose sleeping in!  LOL.   I don't get to sleep in anymore.  Between the kids and then just getting up so early on the weekdays I don't even know if I'm physically ABLE to sleep in anymore but I sure do miss it.  Granted, I'd probably be mad if I wasted half the day in bed because I'd miss time with my kids and there's always so much to do.........but I miss being able to roll out of bed at 10 or 11a.  Every now and then it would be nice to just sleep in.  Really SLEEP that late.   

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