Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 8

Biggest Pet Peeve

Why do they keep throwing tough ones out here???  Why can't this be a nice, easy 31 day blog fest?  I guess then it would be called a "challenge" then, would it?

Okay, well, I guess my BIGGEST pet peeve is lying.   I'm not talking your regular, every day, white lie.  I'm talking your not so regular bold faced lie.  The shit you are going to get caught up in.  The crap you spew to 5 different people.  The stuff you can't keep straight.  

Growing up I fibbed.  We ALL did it.  Hell, I'm sure I still tell fibs.  Again, we ALL DO IT.  It's human nature.  I'm not feeling well, I already have plans, I'm leaving now, I'm on my way, yes I already did that.  Yep, those are fairly normal.  But there are some people who just tell lies all.the.time.  I don't know why they do it.   I honestly think some people don't even know they are doing it.  I don't know HOW they don't know they are doing it but I have to give some people the benefit of the doubt.  Other people, well I know they are just straight up liars.  These are the people that I catch telling me one thing and telling someone else a completely different story.  It's either they really can't remember what they tell one person to another or they think that people don't talk to each other or the story changes by degrees because they really just can't keep TRACK of the lies.  This is what seems so ridiculous to me.  I just don't GET it.  

Now me - you will NEVER catch me in such a lie.  I may fib a bit - yes, I like that top or yes, I went to bed early or whatever.  But a bold faced lie - hell to the no.  I spent way too many years being lied to.  By my father, by my sister.  My sister still lies.  To this day.  And she knows that I take everything she tells me with a POUND of salt because I still second guess every.single.word that comes out of her mouth.  You know what - when you are a liar this is the price you pay.  Those who know me may think I'm a damn fool but you know what - give me some frigging credit.  I'm not stupid.  I don't just take everything people tell me at face value.  Including my sister.  Just because you say something to me doesn't mean I believe it.  We're all grown ups.  Can't we just deal in truths?  It may not always be what we want to hear but at least it's the truth.  

A few more of my FAVORITE quotes...........

Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance.  (there is more but that is the most important part)  Just because I don't say it doesn't mean that I don't already know.

Sometimes I won't admit I know you're lying because I can't admit how I found out.

Once I catch you in one lie, it makes me question everything you said.

So, there you go.  My biggest pet peeve is lying.  

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