Sunday, May 1, 2011

Truth 20

Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Hmmmm. I can only speak for myself I guess. It's not my job to judge what anyone else does. I drink now and then. I like to go out with friends for a few drinks. I'm not really a home drinker. If we have a party or something, like our annual New Year's Eve bash, then I'll have a few drinks. But sitting at home on a weeknight or something, I don't drink. It usually just doesn't occur to me. I don't like to be drunk. I don't like the feeling.

Drugs - well, most people know I have tried marijuana. I don't have a problem with it. It's not for everyone, I know that. But, I'd rather get high than get drunk. No hangovers to deal with, no driving drunk. The worst side effect you get from pot is the orange fingers the next morning from all the Doritos you consumed to quell those munchies. I've never tried any other drug and I never would. They scare the absolute hell out of me.

Those are my thoughts.

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