Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Truths - Statement 3 & 4

Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.
This is a tough one. I can't think of anything I have done that has ever been so horrible that I'm not forgiving myself. Little things that can't be changed now - maybe spending more time with my Mother or doing more for her? Picking up the phone instead of letting it go to voicemail when I didn't feel like talking or was in the middle of something. Taking her to do more things. Not trying to rush her when she was at the grocery store and wanted to go down every.single.aisle even if she didn't need anything in that aisle. In the moment these things are SO annoying and frustrating. I had other things to do as well. But I can tell you there isn't much I wouldn't trade for just one more day. So I guess I need to forgive myself for being a normal daughter because I'm pretty sure we have all done that a time or two.

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.
This one isn't so tough. I guess it would be my Dad. For walking out on us. For leaving us and not wanting to have anything to do with us. For missing out on his grandchildren's lives. For just being a suck dad altogether. I don't know if I necessarily don't forgive him......but it's something that still weighs on me and it still hurts me every day. Especially when I am with my kids because I just can't imagine NOT being in their lives. There is nothing in this world that could ever make me leave my children or stop loving them. They are my whole life and nothing will ever change that. I don't understand why he didn't feel the same way about us.

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