Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Memory like a steel trap

Yep, that's my son. Aidan. I don't know how he remembers the things he does but Lordy, do they knock me for a loop sometimes.

Last night we ran to the store to pick up a few things for our last camping trip this season. We're driving home and Aidan starts waxing poetic about the benefits of milk. How all kinds, chocolate, white, strawberry are ALL good for you and they do good things for your body.

Then the questions begin.

Aidan: "Mom, how do cows make milk? What makes them make it?"
Ummmm, Mama has a headache and can't concentrate so I say "They are just built that way. Like how trees can make leaves and Moms can make babies."
Oh shit. Did I really just bring up the Mom and babies thing? Yes, I did. Why did I say that?!?! Aaaaand therein lies the error of my ways. Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, I walked right into this.
Aidan: "OH YEAH!!! So, Mom, what is that all about anyway?"
I say "Huh? What is what all about?"
Aidan: "When I was a baby, remember you put milk in your belly to feed me?"
"No, you were growing in my belly and didn't need food."
Aidan: "Well what about the milk you gave me from your belly?"
I play stupid and say "What milk from my belly? I gave you bottles"
LOL. Yeah, score one for me............or so I thought. In reality, NOT SO MUCH.

He says, "Well, what about those bottles with the thin tube like straw thing that you would put on your boobs and get milk from?? What was THAT all about???"

I thought John was going to drive the truck off the road he was laughing so hard.

I honestly can't even remember what I answered him with. I was just thinking in my head WHERE did this come from and how did I do this to myself??? How does he remember this stuff? I guess it's from Erynn. I nursed / pumped with her for 8 months. He was 3 yrs old......I suppose he could remember? Either way, I'm impressed. And stunned. ;-)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fingers crossed!!!

So, today my horoscope says this:

"When you walk into work, you won't expect what's probably about to happen: You'll be pushed into the spotlight, like it or not. The good news is that you're well-suited to it, and that you'll wear it well."

I am crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and anything else I can cross that this rings true!!   I've only been in my new job for about a month and a half but I am hopefully going to get a promotion.  The business I work on just announced a Boston based Vice President coming on board.  Right now we have one in Cincinnati but they have moved him off our business and put a new person on.   Sooo, this means, hopefully I will be her Administrator Executive Assistant.  God willing.  If I were to get this job it would be a two step up promotion for me with a raise.  Which we desperately need.  I know CP is talking to my HR person today........hopefully things fall in my favor.  I'm not expecting it to happen as I know they have a few options on the table (I already support a Director, Associate Director and a team of 20)........but I'm sure as hell hoping for it.

This is just making me realize more and more that this new position was meant to be.  I never would have gotten even this opportunity in my old position.  Even if I don't get the promotion, being considered is a big thing and it's more than anything that's happened for me in my last 11+ yrs with the company.  

I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Random Thoughts and Thanks

Yay for it not being Monday!  I absolutely had A MONDAY yesterday.  Very happy it's over.  
Today is a new day and I'm feeeeeeling good.  Aside from a slight headache.  It's trying to bring me down but I won't let it.  
I keep coming across these random sayings lately.  

"What if you only woke up with what you thanked God for yesterday"
   So very true and not something I used to think of on a daily basis.  Life is not perfect.  It never will be.   But MY life is pretty damn good.  I try to remember to thank God every day for the things I have. I thank God for my husband, my children, my home.  I thank God for my job.  I thank God for the people in my life.  I even thank God for the people who are no longer in my life because I have learned from them.  I thank God for the lessons I learn.  While things may be rough in several areas of "my" world, things could definitely be much worse.  I am truly thankful.

There have been others that have crossed my path as of late and I have really taken some time to think about them.   (if you are on my FB page you have seen these already b/c I have been reposting there) 

"Some people believe that holding on and hanging in are signs of strength, but there are times in life where it takes much more strength to just let go."

"There is a point in your life where you get tired of trying to fix everything and trying to make everyone happy.  When you finally decide to quit, it's NOT giving up.  It's realizing you don't need certain people and the bullshit they bring to your life."

These have made me stop and really think.  They are so simple yet hold SO much meaning for me lately.   Especially with all that is going on in my family.  With things that have happened, friendships that have shifted, changed, or disappeared.  These little mantras, saying, what have you, have really rung true.  Sometimes there are just some things you cannot do.  You have to just let go and move on.  Sometimes you can't be the only one fighting for things.  It's a two way street and one you shouldn't walk it alone.  

"Sometimes the girl who has been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for her."

This one is absolutely true for me and VERY hard to admit.  It's hard for me to reach out and let people know that I need some support but I'm working on it.  We are human.  We need each other and cannot be expected to do it all.  I need to admit that I CAN'T do it all and if I'm having a bad day, hard time, need someone then I need to just suck it up and admit it.  It's okay.  It's normal.  I've been reaching out to chat with a couple people lately and I cannot thank them enough for being there.  It means the world to me and I hope they know / realize how much I love and appreciate them.  My brother and I are closer than ever.  I'm growing friendships on an even deeper level.  Sometimes your friends are better than your family.  This is very true in my case.  AE - you know who you are - if you read this......xoxoxo.  I so appreciate you!! 

Life is hard.  Life is unexpected.  Life is Good.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yet another milestone in the Foley household!

John sent me this picture today:

WHERE does the time go?!   HOW is it possible my "baby" is riding a bike with NO training wheels.   She isn't even 4yrs old for another two months!  

I'm not surprised.   She told John that she wanted him to "take these things off {training wheels} because she wants to ride her bike like her "brudders" do.   How stinking cute is she?!

Time is just going by oh-so-quickly!

Two weeks til Halloween.  guess we'd better hurry up and get costumes, eh?!

Just over two months til CHRISTMAS.   OMG.  That is what I can't wrap my head around!   Yes, I know that Thanksgiving falls in the middle there and, I'm really NOT trying to rush time by I swear, but when we have three little ones to shop for I just can't help but concentrate on the quickly approaching Christmas holiday.  

I'm so looking forward to all the wonderful things coming up in the next couple of months!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Children - ism's

I put these on Facebook over the weekend but I have to post here so they are saved.  Forever and ever.  I'll need something to come back to when my children get married and I'm obligated to provide the embarassing stories!

Saturday I was getting ready with the kids for a playdate.  I'm in the master bath and the three kids are in my bedroom.  (Truth be told they were sitting on my bed because I had put them on time out) I overhear the following conversation:

Aidan - "Uh oh, Mommy's hair is stuck to my shirt!"
Erynn - "That's MY hair Aidan!"
Aidann - "Nope, it's Mommy's hair, see how long it is??"
Ryan - "Mommy has long hair because she is a princess.  She is a beautiful princess!"
Aidan - "No, Mommy is the QUEEN Ryan.  Mommy is the beautiful Queen of this house!"
Ryan - "Ohhhhh."

I was quietly cracking up and thinking to myself, "Yup, that's right Aidan.  Smart boy!"

Sunday we went to a Baptism.  We were sitting in the church and my children aren't used to church at all.  Yes, I am a bad Catholic and I fully recognize this.   We were in the pew and the Deacon was giving his talk after the Gospel was read.   Aidan wanted to know if God was almost done talking.   I said "Honey, that isn't God, that is the priest."  Aidan says, "Is he the one in charge of God's house??"  *sob*

I let them look at the prayer books to keep entertained and Aidan was telling Ryan that if he wasn't careful and tore God's books that God would be very mad at him.   Ahhhh, love the way their minds work.

After the church we drove to the reception.   The Black Eyed Peas song "Just Can't Get Enough" came on the radio.  All three kids start bobbing their heads and rocking out.   I focus in on Ryan because he is singing along with the song.   Or so I thought.   Ryan was actually singing "I just can't get it up"   OMG.   I started laughing hysterically.   I told Ryan they were actually saying I just can't get enough!   He said "ohhhhh! Thank you Mommy! I thought they were saying I just can't get it up!"  I said nope and then told him 10 years from now he would understand why Mommy was laughing like a crazy person at what he was singing. 

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brotherly love........yup, we're all good!

I still haven't talked to my sister.   But, honestly, I am okay with that.   The thing that bothered me the most about this whole situation was my brother.  I was more upset about not speaking to him than anything. 

That all changed on Friday.   He called me and we finally got to chat.   My brother was in no way involved in the horrible email my sister sent.   She BCC'd him on it when she sent it to me and she forwarded my reply to him.  So, while he was caught up on the entire situation, he had nothing to do with it.  M & B were horrified to read that C had included them in the original email and they had no idea she was going to do that.  Email me OR include them in on it.   M told me the reason he hadn't called me back was because he was afraid that I was angry with him and he wanted to give me time to cool off.   I get it.  I told him I wasn't angry with him persay, but that I definitely wanted to discuss with him the two specific things C mentioned with regards to him.  That was it.  I am not a fool, I understand the email came from C.  I know who she is, I know how she does things.  I know she changes things, makes things up, puts words in peoples mouths.   Just because I stand by my sister and I stick up for her does not mean I am oblivious to who she is.   But, at the end of the day, she is family and I have always stood by my family.  

Moving on.   M came over to my house Friday afternoon and we were able to talk in person.  Of course me, being the extremely emotional person that people know don't really know me to be, cried the second he walked in the door.  He came over and gave me a big hug and told me that he loved me.  Always.  That he had nothing to do with it but that he and I were still on the same page when it comes to our sister.  That he and B were absolutely pissed off and horrified to be thrown into the whole thing.   That they did NOT feel the way C portrayed them to feel.   That they never said the things she mentioned.   My relationship with my brother is secure.  That is the most important thing to me. 

So, I have not spoken with my sister in any way since I replied to her scathing tirade over 2 weeks ago and I am okay with that.  My view on our relationship has not changed.  I do not think we will ever go back to the way things were.  I'm not sure she realizes that but, she will.   She made her bed, she can now lie in it.  I don't hate her.  I don't wish her ill will.  I just do not think things can or will ever go back to the way they were.  Everything happens for a reason. 

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