Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kiddo update!

Aidan has finally found his niche in the sports world!  He started Fall Soccer this year and he absolutely LOVES it.  Check out that smile!  

Here he is with his team on picture day.  The best part is he is GOOD at it so it's such an ego boost for him.  He loves the sport, he's good at it and he fits right in.  I think this is definitely going to be it for him.  He had practice two nights a week and then practice and a game every Saturday.  That's a lot of sports time but so worth it to see the smile on his face.  After trying Baseball and Basketball and not wanting to keep doing them I'm so glad he found something he loves.  Now he's just deciding if he wants to do Spring and Fall.......he's going to have to get on that soon because try outs are next week!

And then this happened.  Aidan fell on the playground at school and he sprained his knee.  So that put him out of soccer for three weeks.  We're hoping he'll be able to play tomorrow and then for the last game on Saturday.  Fingers crossed!  Now, before you even say it.  There is NO bad knee juju in this don't even go there!  It didn't happen at home, you hear me!  It happened on the playground....could have happened to anyone!  LOL

Ryan started Football in August and let me just tell you what a TIMESUCK that is!  OMG!! Practice 4-5 nights a week and then the games are on top of that.  Holy hell what a commitment.  JC I wasn't even ready for it.  In the beginning it wasn't so bad b/c it was so close to my surgery that I was working from home.  But once I went back into Boston I missed a lot of the practices.  They started at 4:30p and most days I don't even leave the office until after 5p.  Then add the commute and forget it.  John had to bring him but that wasn't hard b/c John works nights AND he ended up having to be a coach so he had to be there anyway.   So, Football.  Ryan LOVED it!!!   He played his last game this past weekend and I'm sure he'll be back next year.  This past game was amazing.  We crushed the other team - 22-0 AND Ryan scored his very first touchdown.  What a GREAT ending to an amazing season.  My kid is a baller.  I love it.  He chose Gronk's number and he should get to keep it his entire career.   Now it's Fall/Winter and Ryan will start Basketball.  

Erynn started Fall Soccer as well and LOVED it.  Like her big brother, she was really good at it too.  She's definitely going to play next year but hasn't decided about Spring Soccer yet.  The urgency isn't there for her as she won't have to try out if she does decide to play.  Tryouts are only for the older kids.  She is playing Basketball like Ryan.  I'm officially the Mom whose life revolves around her kids and their sports.  How did this happen??  ;-)

Orrrr, Erynn will be the first girl on the boys soccer team.  This is how we do in the Foley house.  One night when making dinner we decided to put on Ryan's football shirts.  She got in FULL GEAR and suited up.  I was just excited that my 8 year old's shirt fit on my 37 year old body!  LMAO!!!

In school all three kids are doing great.  They got their first semester mid-term reports and we're really happy with all three!!  I'm still at the school every Friday copying for Aidan AND Ryan's teachers.  What a treat that is.....I'm there for at least 2 hours and the LEAST amount of paper I've gone through so far is 7 reams.  I feel like I need to go to confession after as I'm single handedly killing forests all on my own now!  But, the teachers tell me every week how much they appreciate it and seeing the boys' faces light up when I walk into the room makes it all worth it.  They love having me in there so, as long as they need me (and as long as my job permits me to keep the compressed work week!) I'll be there.  

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