Who ever says that? I know, I know, you're wondering if my crack pipe is still warm. Or even hot for that matter. I assure you, that was not one of the activities I picked up over the weekend. But my weekend was just SO good that I didn't even mind waking up to a Monday morning. Le sigh.
Friday morning I had parent/teacher conferences for Erynn. Truthfully I expected this meeting to go off without a hitch. Erynn is not a worry. Not bragging, honestly, just stating a fact. She really is easy.....come on, how many times have I been told she is just like her Mother? HA! But seriously, I shit you not, Mrs. Cicci told me she wishes she had a class FULL of Erynn's. Oh my. I thought my heart was going to burst right out of my chest. What Mom wouldn't want to hear that about her child?! Mrs. C said that Erynn is a joy to be around. Very easy going, always happy, always making sure that everyone is included. She said if there is a child who is shy or on the "outskirts" of the group Erynn is the one who gets up, goes over and brings them in to play with everyone. She is very motherly. Yup, that's definitely my little girl. I am so proud of her!! Mrs. C asked what I was thinking about Kindergarten next year and I told her I've already enrolled Erynn in the full day class. She said that's great and that Erynn is more than ready for it - that she thinks she'll do wonderfully. YAY!
Next stop was Aidan's school. I volunteered to help his teacher, Mrs. Verlicco, sort books. Oh my - I didn't know what I was in for lol. She had a table stacked high plus a 3-shelf bookcase. All of them were labeled with the numeric system but needed to be sorted and filed accordingly. Mrs. V said she didn't expect me to do them all. Does she realize who she had in her room? ;-) I had expected to be there for 3 hours so I knew I was most likely going to get it done. First - that woman is a saint. I have NO idea how she does what she does day in and day out. Some of the kids in her class are TOUGH!! They are fresh, they don't listen, they interrupt, they are rude. OMG. I was shocked. When I arrived the music teacher was in there and he had about 10 min left. He said he was disappointed that he didn't get to show the kids what was in the box of instruments he'd brought because some of them couldn't pay attention and stop talking so he didn't get to go through everything he intended on doing. Awful. It didn't get much better. I now know why Mrs. V said there were definitely some kids she didn't see Aidan having playdates with and thank you Mrs V for steering me clear of them. Aidan was very excited to have me in his classroom so his attention did wander a bit but I would sternly put him right back on course. I wasn't there to distract, I was there to help out his teacher. Lunch time rolled around and I was still sorting. Aidan wanted me to eat with him, Mrs. V said it was up to me. I had a raging migraine so the last thing I was up for was heading into a cafeteria with screaming children but how could I say no? Interesting little tidbit.....parents are not allowed to eat in the lunchroom with children. What?! I was pulled out of the lunchroom by the Asst Principal. Oh my. She brought me in to see the Principal who informed me that they have a rule - parents aren't allowed. Um, okay. She said 1. they don't have enough seats.......2. they don't want the student to feel singled out by having their parent eat with them.......3. they don't want the other children whose parents can't eat lunch with them to feel badly. Now I can get down with the reasoning behind #3 but the other two? Not so much. However, it's not my school and I have respect so I said I completely understand I sat out in the lobby for 30 min until I could return to Mrs. V's room. I let her know that parents weren't allowed in the lunchroom and she apologized profusely - I told her it wasn't her fault, I only wanted her to know in case this happened in the future. I wasn't mad at all. Aidan was really upset, he got all teary eyed and asked why I hadn't returned to the lunchroom as the Asst Principal had told him she was only "borrowing" me for a minute. I explained briefly and told him we'd talk more later. I stayed for another 30 min, finished up all of the sorting and went on my merry way. My time in 2nd grade was done for the day. :)
After we got home Ryan's two friends came over. Twin 7 yr old boys named Sean and Nathan. They were coming for a sleepover - our first friend from school sleepover! They are right in the middle of Aidan and Ryan's ages. We went bowling with them and then took all 5 kids out to dinner. Oh if you could have SEEN the looks we got. Some people were even bold enough to ask if all 5 kids were ours. Ballsy people, really ballsy. I was tempted to say yes but I can not tell a lie. I was just floored that people would even ask!! The kids were all amazing and we had a really great time. Everyone came back to the house, we all got in our pj's and we settled the boys in their beds to watch a movie. Um, at 10:30p they were still awake! Well, 3 out of 4........and it was AIDAN who had passed out lol. The youngers were still awake. They finally fell asleep but they were wide awake and ready to go at 7a. We had pancakes and bacon for breakfast and Andrea picked the twins up at 10a because they had a birthday party to go to.
Not much more after that. I got a TON of kid time in, John helped me out with the laundry, he and I got in cuddle/couch time AND I managed to finish up book 4, start and finish book 5 and start book 6 in a series I'm reading. That's a kick ass weekend if I do say so myself........hence the total satisfaction I'm having this fine Monday morning!!!
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