Sunday, August 23, 2009

Still more

to catch up on. Things over the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. I had to unexpectedly fly to FL b/c Cheryl was in the hospital. She had a very severe allergic reaction to something she ate at work and she stopped breathing. They rushed her by ambulance to the ER. They had to intubate her (put her on a ventilator to breathe for her). Fri night they tried to extubate but she stopped breathing again so they had to re intubate. I flew down Sat afternoon. They took the tubes out Mon am and she is doing much better. I went back home Tuesday.

Work officially moved from Quincy to South Boston. I was *dreading* the commute but it's honestly not as bad as I thought. A big help was the fact that my boss allowed me to change my hours. I now work 630a - 3p. Oh yes. I am getting up at 5a now Mon - Fri and I'm on the road by 545a at the latest. It's really hard but I'd much rather lose sleep than lose time with my family. That's that.
Mike and Brandon's wedding is now less than a month away. You're probably thinking oh, that's nice. Yes, it absolutely is but the wedding is AT MY HOUSE. Tell me again why I agreed to this? LOL. I think they were a bit unprepared for all that would go into wedding planning and as much as I've been trying to push and prod it did me no good. So now I think Mike is panicking. Of course I'll be there to pick up the pieces at the end b/c that's what I do. But I'll let them suffer for now b/c that's what they should. They shouldn't have waited til the last minute on everything. Anyway. Erynn got her flower girl dress - TOO damn cute for words. And she LOVES it. I love that my little girl is SUCH a little girl.
Here is Erynn in all of her flower girl glory:

The boys will be wearing these Ralph Lauren shirts with khaki pants

This is what I will be wearing

There is still quite a bit of planning left but it will all be over soon. I know Brandon and Mike are ready for it to end! LOL. Speaking of - they will be moving out a week from Monday. I am both happy and sad about this. Sad b/c I love having them nearby. Brandon is a huge help in a pinch when it comes to watching the kids. Truth be told the extra $100 a week for their rent helps out a LOT right now. That is going to hurt. Happy because Ryan will be back in his own room. I can't wait for this because I really think it will help keep the boys in bed when they go down for the night. Now we just need to buy a tv / dvd combo for Ryan's room because he has gotten used to watching tv at night. I found a great one for a steal at Target, just have to wait for it to come in.

Speaking of buying things. Today, out of nowhere we went to buy Erynn a new bedroom set. Seems that Dad was none too pleased when he found out about the condition of her furniture. When we bought it we didn't have a lot of money and we were trying to be frugal. Unfortunately that old adage is OH so true - "you get what you pay for." We did. So, my mission for today and I was given no choice as to whether or not I'd accept it lol, was to go and get her a new set. I will say my mission was completely successful and baby girl is currently sleeping in her new crib as I type. The changing table and chifferobe (seriously, who came up with that name?!) are ordered and will be here within a week or two. I LOVE the new set and you can definitely tell the difference in quality. We went to BRU and we ordered the Babi Italia Eastside Collection in Cherry. LOVE it. Here is what it looks like:
The biggest benefit to having this bureau is the right hand side is a closet of sorts. This is very important b/c Erynn's room doesn't have a closet in it. It was never put in with all of the issues we had building. This will hold her off for a few years at least.

I guess that's it for now........I'll just post a few more random pics of the kids that I love.
Yes ladies and gents, she is an absolute DIVA. LOVE IT!

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