Wednesday, June 26, 2013


It's been a while since I posted any of these but I've been writing them down!

Ryan: So, there's this girl named Hope in my class and she's the Awesomest!  If she stares at you it means she likes you.  Today she was staring at me.  That means she likes me. 
Me:  Blank stare.
Ryan:  Mom.  Why are you looking at me like that?
Me:  Because I love you.
Ryan:  And because I'm cute.  Yeah, I'm cute.

Aidan:  Mom.  I can't WAIT for the spelling test.  I am going to ROCK that spelling test like nobody's business. I am going to OWN it.  I can't wait!  I wish the test was today.  I wish we had school!!!

We took the kids to Outback for dinner with Mike and Brandon.  Erynn has tic tac toe on her kids menu and Ryan finds out.
Ryan: Wait, we have tic tac toe??
Brandon:  Yes, and Erynn already won.
Ryan:  Well played, Erynn.  Well played.

Erynn:  Last night when I was in my bed and Papa woke me up this morning I stretched out in my bed and I was super long like SUPER LONG!!!  How long am I anyway??

Ryan:  Mom, did you go for a run today?????
Me:  No, why?
Ryan:  Because you look like you lost weight!!
Me:  Thanks Ryan.
Ryan:  Mom!! No!  I really mean it!
Me:  I know Ryan, that's why I said thank you.
Ryan:  Oh.  Okay.  Because you look good.

This one might be the best one yet.  Hold on to your hats.
Ryan was at Papa's house apparantly flipping through the Victoria's Secret bathing suit catalogue.  It still comes to the house from when we were living there. 
So, he's flipping through and he says Wow, these girls look just like my Mom!! 
God love him.  First, I'd knock an old lady over to look like the girls in the VS catalogue.  Thanks buddy.  Just sayin.
So then Papa says to him, what are you doing over there?
Ryan turns and says Just looking.  A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do Papa. 
So, Papa tells me the story and I ask Ryan.  He just starts giggling.  When he says the a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do part I say well, I'm a girl, what does that mean?   He says a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do Mom!!  
Dear Lord help me with this child!  I don't know where he learned that or heard it but I am in TROUBLE with this one!!!

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