Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where to begin

As usual I am way behind blogging. I don't know why it's so hard for me to update. I guess because I figure my life isn't that interesting? Who knows. Again, I'll say I will try to be better.

A lot has happened since my last post. John was in the hospital. Let's see if I can make a long story short. He collapsed at home with chest pains. I called 911 (for the first time in my life) and he was taken by ambulance to the ER. Initially they thought he was having a heart attack. After a lot of testing (and two days in the CCU) the Dr's found that he has ulcers lining his throat, going all the way into his stomach, and some of them had ruptured. CRAZY. He has never even had heartburn before!!! So, he had to change his diet and he will be on meds for the rest of his life but he is 100% better and feeling really good.

A couple of weeks later I landed in the ER. UGH, does it end? LOL. I was at Kellie's house - the whole family went over to watch Jimmy play a basketball game at the house against some kid from Cardinal Spellman. Long story short, I was trying to go in the house, kids were coming out. I swerved off the walkway to avoid them and fell in a big. ass. hole. that was next to the walkway. It was dark and the outside light wasn't working. I caught myself, or so I thought, and knew I had hurt my ankle but I thought I just tweaked it so, you know me, I ignored it. Shortly after I carried Erynn home, gave her a bath, put her to bed and then I went to relax for a bit before going to bed. I woke up at 1am in agony. My ankle was all swollen and screaming in pain. Off to the ER I went. Got xrays right away and after about an hour the Dr came by and said that I had a severly sprained ankle and I had to wear an aircast for 4 wks. Yippeee skippy. I'm much better now. If I'm jogging once in a while I can feel a little tweak but so far, so good.

We went to our timeshare in Florida for a week and we were there for Easter. John, the boys and Rob (Susan's boyfriend) drove down while Erynn, Susan and myself flew. The reason for this? To fly The Foley Five down would have cost us $2,500. Hell no. We just don't have that right now. Once we started researching flights John said he should just drive down with the boys. Rob said hey, I'm up for a road trip. So it was. They left the Thursday night before Easter and the girls flew out on Saturday morning. This really worked out all around because we not only got out of paying for the flights, we got out of having to rent a car while we were down there too. Win, win. The boys did amazingly well on the drive. John said he was SO proud of them. Erynn did great on the plane too. It's the first time she has flown since she was a newborn. She's two so you know how that goes. She was into everything, nosy, looking around, saying goodbye to people as they boarded the plane lol. We were telling her to say good flight instead of goodbye. Oy. Cheryl came to visit for a couple of days which was great. We all loved seeing her. We went out to dinner for Easter and we had a great time.

The rest of our vacation was *exactly* what we needed. NO itinerary. NO running around. NO plans. PERFECT! I'm not one of those who needs a full schedule on vacation. I really just wanted to go and relax with my family and have a good time. Mission accomplished. I love the resort that our timeshare is at. They have a "zero entry" pool that is perfect for the kids. You would have thought I gave birth to fish because once they were in the water they did not want to get out! They swam every single day and every night after dinner. We all got to relax, get some sun and just have a good time. Best trip ever. We've decided we're going to go to Florida every year for Easter now. While we were there John went to book the next year's trip. Unfortunately they won't let you book another trip while you are physically staying at the resort. BUT. We found out since we have been members for so long (we inherited from John's parents) and because we are "gold crown" members we are eligible to book the 4 bedroom SUITE. YAHOOOO!!! This is absolutely ideal. When we go to FL someone always comes with us. Be it my brother and Brandon, Susan and Rob or whoever, there is always someone with us. We stay in a two bedroom so the five of us get one room and whoever comes with us gets the other. (it is a two bathroom suite with full kitchen, living room and dining area thank God lol) Well, next year, with the four bedroom we can have our own room, the kids can have their own room and whoever comes with us (right now Mike, Brandon, Susan AND Rob are all planning on coming with us) get their own rooms too. SCORE! The best part - it's all free b/c it's our timeshare. See?! Ideal vacation lol.

When we got home from Florida I was going through the mail and found a letter from the Abington School System. Ryan had been screened for preschool a few weeks before we left and we were waiting to hear how it went. In Abington they have a preschool for special needs children but they reserve 8 slots for "role model students." It's a lottery system in Abington where they screen 36 kids and only 8 of them get in. RYAN GOT IN!! I called John and told him the good news and then he says "Well, is Ryan one of the students that need help or one of the role model students?" Hmmm, good question. Ryan has a speech impediment so we had had him see a speech evaluation specialist at the school as well. Well, I read the letter and they want money from us so YAHOOOO, he is a role model student!!! First time I've ever gotten a letter where I have to give money and I'm HAPPY about it lol. So, Ryan will be going to preschool five days a week from 12:10p - 3:15p. He is super excited that he'll be going to the same school as Aidan.

Speaking of Aidan. He enters kindergarten this year. Seriously?! How the hell did that happen? I can't believe how fast the last five years has flown by!! He is in the PM class but, today actually, he will be screened for full day. Same standards as preschool. Lottery system, 36 kids screened, 8 get through. We should hear in a few weeks if he will be full day or half.

Once the boys start school in September Erynn will start going to daycare 3 days a week. John and I both feel it's very important for her to be around other kids. Yes, she is around her brothers all day but that's pretty much it. Our friends have kids but it's so hard to get together with everyone's lives so she's really only around other kids once or twice a month. Going to Darlene's will get Erynn out and socializing. She'll also have a regular schedule and she'll be doing projects, colors, numbers, letters, etc. Darlene runs her daycare just like a preschool. It's been wonderful having her watch the boys. As it is now, when we go to pick up the boys, Erynn walks in with us, throws her coat on the floor and just starts doing her thing. At least I know she'll be comfortable when she starts in September!

Hmmmmm, what else. Can't wait for the nice weather. Have to schedule spring / summer potraits with Steph. We'll see if it will be the whole family or just the kids. A couple of family shots might be nice. I hate having my picture taken but I'm working out and eating really well so I'm starting to feel a bit better about myself. John has done REALLY well with his eating and has lost 30 lbs. He still has roughly 20-25lbs to go but I am so proud of him. I'm down 9lbs so far and I have another 10lbs to go. That will get me under my wedding weight. Ideally I'd love to lose 20lbs more but we'll see what happens. If I look at it all at once I get overwhelemed because 20lbs is a LOT! I wish i could lose weight as fast as John does! Damn men.

That's enough for now I guess. Maybe if I update more often I won't have to write a damn missive to catch up! I'll try and get better at that..............of course I've said that before haven't I?!?


  1. About damn time!

    I want before & after pics of you and John.

  2. Lots of updates!!
    Glad you had a great time on your FL trip! Sounds amazing!
    Yay for the boys getting into school ... cannot believe it's that time already!
    Let me know when your ready for photo shoot...
    and also.... get out that dress so we can do your Trash the dress session! :)



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