Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Watch out tonight, I'm in a mood.

That being said, I need to vent. It's 9:30pm and I have *just* sat down. yes, since I got home from work at 3:45pm. What, you ask, have I been doing for the last almost five hours? EVERYTHING. At least that is what it feels like. Let me start by saying I have been getting 2-3 hours of sleep per night since last Thursday. You know that right there sets me off. Granted, it's for a good cause b/c of the LASIK. All night long I'm woken up when I roll over because I have to wear what I can only compare to ski goggles when I sleep to protect my eyes. Fine - I'm dealing with it.

Back to today. I get up for work at 430am, get ready and head in. It's a normal day. Busy but fine. I get home and I need to make stuff for the boys' Valentine's Day party tomorrow. I know what you are going to say. I didn't HAVE to MAKE something. But I did. It's what I have done ever since they started going. I *always* make something, I don't just send something in from the store. So I made cookies and brownies. Then I had to put the goody bags together for the kids. All 16 of them. Fine. Then I take a quick minute to eat 1 cup of Kraft Mac and Cheese, (yes, I measured it out!) John was "making dinner" b/c I had enough to do so this is what we ended up with. After I inhale that I sit down (okay, so technically I *did* sit before now but you know what I mean) with Aidan and let him write the kids names on the envelopes for the cards. He was very excited to be doing this.

BTW - here is the card - cute, eh? Erynn doesn't go to DC with the boys but they were *adamant* about her being in the picture with them "b/c she is our baby sister and we love her" Awwwww, sibling love.

So, I get done doing the cards with Aidan. I put them in the envelopes, seal them and gather them up with the goody bags. There were a few extra cards so I sent them out to family and friends nearby. (Yes, Steph, this means you lol) I put all the goody bags and the cards into a container together. Then I put the cookies and brownies in another container. THEN I carry it all out to John's truck b/c, if I don't, I KNOW he will forget them in the morning.

That is when I really take notice of the effing BOMB my husband has left all.over.the.house. Seriously, I'm not even exxagerating. The playroom looks like every single toy my kids own is trying to escape. There are dirty dishes all over the kitchen table. The pot, with mac and cheese still in it, sits on the stove. The sink is full of dirty dishes. The counter tops have fingerprints, crusted food, smudges and just *gook* all over them. The living room has John's shorts (um, shorts?! It's 20 degrees outside, wth did he have shorts on??!!) are in the middle of the floor along with papers, dirty socks, sippy cups, etc. Everywhere. Betcha can now guess exactly why I haven't sat down all night! The house is spotless. SPOTLESS. Did I mention when I'm pissed off I clean???

Oh. Where is John you ask? Well, he is working a detail tonight (and yes, I realize this is YAY good news and I am seeing it as such) and he decided he wanted to take a nap. YES, I know he has that right. I know he has to work all night. But, so did he. He knew what *I* had to do tonight so he could have taken the time to pick up all day. Aside from running Aidan to the Dr for his 5 yr check up, he was home all day!! He didn't have to leave it all for me to do on top of everything else I had to do for the kids party. He didn't even offer to help with any of that. Now I'm exhausted and I'm sitting down here waiting for him to wake up from his nap b/c I don't want to wake him up. UGH. Does this make me a saint?!?! ;o)


  1. Sure does...and I relate to this on an everyday issue! Except different times of the day! I come home at 7am to find the same.. and have to do all the cleaning, taking care of the kids, and getting dinner ready for that night before I can sleep... sometimes being up well over 30 hours! All before the babysitter sees my house and then I can go to bed and get like 4hours of sleep to do it again.
    He kisses me and runs out the door... if he has work.. if not he's sleeping or sitting around! Uggh!!
    I hear ya loud and clear!
    If I get time, you'll be getting valentines too! (well the kids) :) It snuck up on me again!

    Just bang really loud and run away... when he wakes up and ask's you what happen be like... "I didn't hear a bang" ...LMAO!
    Luv ya!

  2. Yay for work? LOL. Yes, total saint!


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