Monday, November 18, 2013


It's been a while.  I admit I am guilty of slacking on these.  I'm missing some really good ones and I'm mad at myself because my kids have had me in stitches with some of the random things that have been coming out of their mouths lately!  I love the thoughts that will just escape from their little minds!  I've got two good ones this time around.

I want Ryan to be my kids Godfather so he can teach them to face the facts and take bullies off the school property and kick their butts so they stop being bullies.  (yes, all one sentence and one breath. Oh my.)
But won't that make YOUR kids the bullies if they are beating those kids up?
Oh yeah.  Ryan, you can't be the Godfather then.  
Well, he could still be the Godfather, he just doesn't need to teach your kids to beat other kids up.
Good point Mom.  You're back on Ryan.

Hey!  There's that 8-ball thing!!  (We were camping for Halloween and at a party)  I'm gonna go and ask it my future.  See if it knows.  My dream is to be a cool dude and get a hot ride.  

I love them.  They keep me laughing!

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